mapping Organisational Development

Mapping for Change

Over the last few years I have been working with colleagues (Donna Lanclos and David White) on the Visitor and Residents process. These resources are now available and ready to use, with this post, Donna’s and Dave’s adding some of the the context. Visitor and Resident as a continuum of observed behaviours works well; and […]

Events Good practice periscope twitter video

On the Air – making the most of live video

Live video has well and truly entered the mainstream. The arrival of several new tools means that the barriers to broadcasting live over social media have pretty much collapsed. Chris shares some ideas for successfully broadcasting an event, lesson or lecture using Periscope.

The post On the Air – making the most of live video appeared first on Inspiring learning.

Digital Storytelling Events Good practice Lego Student Ideas

Summer of Student Innovation #studentideas

Since Jisc announced the 15 winners of the Student Ideas competition back in June there’s been alot of excitement over the summer in taking those ideas forward. For the last week the Subject Specialists, Chris Thomson, Rohan Slaughter, Julia Taylor and myself have been working with colleagues in Jisc to support the students through the …

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Exploring Approaches to Attendance Tracking

  Attendance tracking can gather in many ways for example door/room swipes, mobile apps or paper registers.  VLE and attendance are probably the most used data for learning analytics. There are a number of approaches being used to gather attendance data and several products on the market. We heard in previous network meetings from Gary …

Electronic management of assessment

Online exams: migration or transformation?

Our latest blog post is a guest contribution by Stuart Allen who has just completed an MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh. Stuart has been undertaking research into online exams. This is a short reflection on his research and Stuart will be joining us for a webinar on the topic in September …

Digital student Learning journeys

Describing learners’ journeys with technology

During summer 2016 we are looking for digital learners to tell us their stories. We want to showcase some of ‘journeys’ with technology that learners undertake, using blog posts, digital images, animations, digital voice or video – whatever suits them best (see some creative ideas we generated during our Online Learners success week). We know …

A journey of discovery, recognition and curation

A guest post from Justin Haylock, Senior Innovation Developer at Jisc. I had the pleasure of attending, and honour of speaking, at OER16 in Edinburgh earlier this year and found myself in awe of the passion felt by everyone for open education. A few days ago, my colleague David Kernohan showed me the feedback from […]

Culture Curriculum Design Domain of one's own Student Experience Technology Enhanced Learning Vulnerability

Vulnerability in the Curriculum: No one cares about your soup!

Digital Pedagogy Lab : Prince Edward Island : Fourth Reflections Vulnerability comes from the latin vulnerare, “to wound” and is defined as “exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally” I’ve been discussing vulnerability as a part of authenticity for a while now and thinking about it in my own […]

Conferences and Events open analytics

Open Analytics?

Digital Pedagogy Lab : Prince Edward Island : Third Reflections So the reflections keep coming, and the connections get stronger as we continue to reflect in the open. There have been some great blog posts from fellow #DigPed delegates in the last few days and maybe at some point we should write a collective piece […]

Conferences and Events Technology Enhanced Learning

Connectivism and the tyranny of print

Digital Pedagogy Lab : Prince Edward Island : Second Reflections The recent pedagogy lab on Prince Edward Island was split into two tracks, Digital Literacies and Networks. My experience was mostly with the network track, focusing on the nature of digital networks and network-building. Although, with a dedicated unconference space there was a lot of […]