Scott provides feedback on Jisc’s Exploring Virtual Escape Rooms in Education event. The benefits and challenges of using virtual escape rooms are discussed, as well as the platforms commonly being used by the sector.
The post Exploring virtual escape …
Tag: Further Education
Lis Parcell offers considerations for colleges developing their higher education provision.
The post How good is your college HE library? appeared first on Inspiring learning.
Lis Parcell looks at some useful Jiscmail lists for FE learning resources staff and gives some personal tips on how to get the most out of your lists.
The post Jiscmail lists for learning resources appeared first on Inspiring learning.
Lis Parcell reports on the good practice shared at the second of CoLRiC’s two summer conferences for FE learning resources and looks at how college librarians are developing their digital capability. She also shows how you could help make a LearningWheel of useful digital tools for learning resources services.
The post Let’s go digital – an extra slice appeared first on Inspiring learning.
A workshop in partnership with the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday 16 May and attended by 25 people including representatives from colleges and Jisc customers’ service. The workshop was introduced by Louise Timperley, Director of Skills and Employment, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce & Martin Hall, previous Chair of Jisc now …