14th UK Learning Analytics Network meeting, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham 12 June 2018

Jisc’s next learning analytics network meeting is in Cheltenham at the University of Gloucestershire on 12th June 2018. These popular events comprise a range of presentations and discussion sessions – and an opportunity to network with colleagues involved in learning analytics projects at other institutions. The theme for this meeting is “Beyond Retention”, we will …

Analytics lab: teaching quality benchmarks

Exciting new Jisc Learning Analytics opportunity At our most recent network event in Edinburgh, Michael Webb and I introduced ‘Learning Analytics Labs’. An experiment to see whether we can use selected learning analytics data to improve mandatory data returns and performance metrics. This is your opportunity to get involved in an initial exploration to improve teaching quality metrics. We want to explore …

Liability in the new Learning Analytics Service Agreement

Some of you have been asking about the changes to liability in the new Service Agreement, so I thought it was worth a blog post to highlight the main factors we had to bear in mind. The new Service Agreement for Institutions marks the transition of Learning Analytics from a relatively small-scale R&D project to …

Learning Analytics Purchasing Service

From the outset of the Jisc Learning Analytics project we were aware that institutions were likely to have requirements that went beyond what Jisc could offer. With this in mind we developed an architecture and service structure so that complementary services from other suppliers could easily be added on top of the services provided by …

Learning Analytics Service Agreement – Final

The  Jisc Learning Analytics Service Agreement  is available to download and we would like to thank everyone who provided feedback and comments. Here is a version showing the changes that have been made to the agreement.  Learning Analytics Service Agreement_Consultation-Final_Compared Existing implementation institutions have already been contacted regarding the process for signing the new agreement. …

Learning Analytics Service Legal Issues

New service agreement for discussion

Download – Learning Analytics Service Agreement_Consultation Version The new service agreement for the Learning Analytics Service is available above and we would like to invite you to review the agreement and provide feedback. This agreement will replace the existing Data Processing Agreement from August 2017 currently in place with institutions implementing the learning analytics service. …

Digifest: Learning analytics interventions should always be mediated by a human being

I was at Jisc Digifest 2017 last week involved in several sessions around data and analytics. However for me the most interesting session was the debate on Humans vs Machines debating whether  “Learning analytics interventions should always be mediated by a human being”. In case you are new to learning analytics, it is the use …

Exploring Approaches to Attendance Tracking

  Attendance tracking can gather in many ways for example door/room swipes, mobile apps or paper registers.  VLE and attendance are probably the most used data for learning analytics. There are a number of approaches being used to gather attendance data and several products on the market. We heard in previous network meetings from Gary …

Learning Analytics at SITSFEST 2016

Rob Jones and I attended the Tribal SITSFEST in Celtic Manor Newport on Weds 13 July to deliver a breakout session on the Learning Analytics service with Adam Cooper and Richard Palmer from the Tribal Student Insights team. This was my third presentation on the learning analytics service in three days, so it was reassuring …

Greater Manchester Analytics Workshop Report

A workshop in partnership with the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday 16 May and attended by 25 people including representatives from colleges and Jisc customers’ service. The workshop was introduced by Louise Timperley, Director of Skills and Employment, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce & Martin Hall, previous Chair of Jisc now …