Blended learning Digital capability Employability Good practice

Employability in a digital world

Esther Barrett shares some thoughts about twenty first century working life and tools we can use to support learners to develop their employability skills in the digital world

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#jisconlineworkshop Adobe Connect Digital capability digital identity Events Good practice online learning Synchrous Online Learning Watch this space

Reflections from the Jisc Online Workshop on Digital Identity and Wellbeing

Last week, Esther Barrett, Rebecca Burningham and I delivered the first in a series of exciting new online workshops focusing on key areas of digital capability. Whilst the workshop is still fresh in my mind I want to share some of my reflections from the session (before breaking up for Christmas and taking on fresh …

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augmented reality Digital Storytelling learning Mixed reality technology

The Learning Evolution – Books, Augmented Reality, Narrative and Beyond…

John Sumpter explores how education can be enhanced by the appropriate and seamless integration of technologies such as Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality that many are unaware can be used in education today. John also reflects on his findings at the UA Reloaded conference in Germany.

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Digital capability digital leadership identity Social Media twitter

Who the hell do I think I am?

Chris reflects on how managing a Twitter account that he uses for personal and professional reasons can sometimes look a little confusing to the outside world and why the choices we make about what we put on social media have implications for those in positions of leadership.

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Digital capability Digital Learning iPads mobile learning

Looking through the (Johari) Window on Technology Use

Scott provides a personal account of how to encourage someone who is older to engage with technology and the internet and reflects on the challenges they face.

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Digital capability Events Good practice LearningWheel

Let’s go digital – an extra slice

Lis Parcell reports on the good practice shared at the second of CoLRiC’s two summer conferences for FE learning resources and looks at how college librarians are developing their digital capability. She also shows how you could help make a LearningWheel of useful digital tools for learning resources services.

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communities Digital capability learning literacy online language teaching

Online language – Why do we need to teach it?

This the fifth in a series of blogs looking at online language… What is it? How is it being used? Why do we need to teach it? Here Esther looks at why we need to teach online language as part of digital capability and basic literacy.

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Digital capability emojis emoticons literacy online language Social Media

Online language – How are communities using it?

This the fourth in a series of blogs looking at online language… What is it? How is it being used? Why do we need to teach it? Here Esther looks at how online communities use language characteristics and conventions as part of their identity.

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Digital capability emojis evolution literacy online language

Online language – A new species of language

This the third in a series of blogs looking at online language… What is it? How is it being used? Why do we need to teach it? Here Esther talks about David Crystal’s theory that online language is neither speaking nor writing although it has features of both. It’s a new species of language.

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Digital capability emojis emoticons literacy online language

Online language – What does it look like?

This the second in a series of blogs looking at online language… What is it? How is it being used? Why do we need to teach it? Here Esther looks at four different characteristics of this method of communication – what features and protocols do we see developing online?

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