apple new technology Virtual Reality Watch this space XR

Apple Vision Pro – First look

Zac books a demo with a new device from Apple and considers whether it has opportunities for teaching, learning and assessment. The Apple Vision Pro.
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AI emerging technology privacy resilience safeguarding Virtual Reality VR Watch this space XR

Thoughts from Nesta on emerging technology for 2024

Chris shares what’s on Nesta’s emerging technology watch list for 2024
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AI artificial intelligence ChatGPT Watch this space

Reflections on AI in healthcare and beyond

Scott and Kathryn share their thoughts on an AI-themed workshop to the comms team of the National Institute of Health Research and flag some key topics for further discussion.
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design sprint Digital practice Good practice how might we initial teacher education Interview data personas research teacher education Watch this space

What does the data tell us about initial teacher education?

Scott provides an update on Jisc’s initial teacher education (ITE) project. The project focuses on supporting our members involved with ITE to develop their digital practice. A comprehensive report detailing a snapshot of current practice is included….

#jisconlineworkshop Adobe Connect Digital capability digital identity Events Good practice online learning Synchrous Online Learning Watch this space

Reflections from the Jisc Online Workshop on Digital Identity and Wellbeing

Last week, Esther Barrett, Rebecca Burningham and I delivered the first in a series of exciting new online workshops focusing on key areas of digital capability. Whilst the workshop is still fresh in my mind I want to share some of my reflections from the session (before breaking up for Christmas and taking on fresh …

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