It’s not often I get to talk about digital capabilities with senior Human Resource managers. Especially not over champagne and a cream tea at the Grand Hotel in Brighton. But someone has to take on the tough assignments, and a glance at the theme of this year’s Universities HR conference (hopefully) explains what I was …
Our most recent network event was at the University of South Wales’ campus in Newport. More and more institutions are undertaking learning analytics projects, and the interest seems to be constantly growing – the event was a sell-out. There was a good Welsh contingent this time, and a range of particularly interesting presentations. Paul Bailey updated …
As part of the online learners’ study I was asked to write a short review of what the previous studies have taught us. Of course there is no substitute for engaging with that work, especially as each team took a different focus. The original HE study considered learners’ transactional and transformational engagements with technology, and …
Today I am 50: I am birder
Today I am 50 years old. I am going birdwatching. I started birding (a term we use for birdwatching) in the late 70’s and I have always been an aspiring amateur naturalist. So what’s that got to do with this blog? My birding kit in the 70’s was a notebook (the paper kind), an Observer’s […]
Posted on behalf of Rebecca Rochon, Senior Lecturer in Education, Buckinghamshire New University: I’ve got a bit of the Monday blues- I’ve returned from my native Canada where I was fortunate enough to attend last week’s ‘Students as Partners in learning and teaching in higher education’ organised by the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Enhancement …
If you are one of our 24 pilot institutions for the Tracker you’ll know that all surveys closed on 29th April. Well done to everyone for getting learners involved right up until the last minute. We had a total of nearly 11,000 completed surveys – an enviable set of data, giving us a really comprehensive …
Preparing for @UXLibs
Last week I was preparing my keynote for the second UXLibs conference in Manchester, in June. The UXLibs approach is to use ethnographic, usability and human-centred design research approaches to gather invaluable behavioural and attitudinal user information, to inform the work of libraries and beyond. It’s a privilege to be invited to speak to this […]
Posted on behalf of Clare Killen: Launched in December 2008, the student academic partners scheme (SAP) brings together project teams of students and staff working in partnership on initiatives designed to improve the student experience. This case study outlines how the SAP scheme was developed and how it has impacted on student engagement and the …
This is a co written post with Donna Lanclos A podcast of me and Donna arguing discussing this post refereed hosted by James Clay is available over on James’ Blog “Work is something you do, not somewhere you go!” Obviously this is not true for many people – from chefs to hospital staff, work is […]
As part of the development and implementation of the learning analytics service we are undertaking some workshops with invited colleges who have expressed an interest in the new service. The purpose is firstly to confirm that the planned service focused on predictive models for learner retention and attainment are relevant and second to explore the …