Our latest UK Learning Analytics Network meeting was kindly hosted by the University of Edinburgh. Sessions varied from details of the range of innovations Edinburgh is involved with, to using assessment data, to student wellbeing and mental health, to current developments with Civitas Learning’s products and Jisc’s learning analytics service. The hashtag was #jisclan if …
As well as launching our staff tracker this week, we’re putting another idea to the test. Alongside the standard staff survey we’ll be offering a mini survey with around half the questions. The 12 providers who are involved in the staff pilot will be assigned one of two options – litre or pint-sized – to …
We started the new year by talking about a new, ‘360 degree’ approach to understanding and enhancing the student digital experience. Here is a snapshot of our thinking to date. Over the next few blog posts we’re going to introduce some new members of the tracker family that together make up a virtuous circle of …
Scott, Esther and the Jisc training team reflect on the first two Jisc online workshops and provide their top tips for things to look out for when delivering live online learning.
The post Five top tips for delivering live online learning appeared first on Inspiring learning.
A blog post on the HEFCE site on 9 January looks at the role students can play in the development and uptake of educational innovation and considers the impact on their learning. This post finds that student engagement is necessarily at the heart of each project in their programme which focusses on pedagogic innovation in …
Launched on 26th January, Designing learning and assessment in a digital age marks a milestone moment in learning design by capturing the most significant outputs from the last decade of research and development in technology-enhanced practice and combining these with up-to-date exemplars, resources for downloading and adaptation, plus links to sources of further information. Appreciative […]
Jisc’s next learning analytics network meeting is in Edinburgh on 22nd Feb 2018. These popular events comprise a range of presentations and discussion sessions – and an opportunity to network with colleagues involved in learning analytics projects at other institutions. We’ll be hearing from a range of experts in learning analytics, including presentations about Edinburgh’s work …
Registration is now open for the Change Agent Network Conference 2018 – Student-Staff Partnerships in an Age of Change at the University of Winchester (19th-20th April 2018) Over 60 papers, workshops and symposiums showcasing student engagement, partnership, digital capabilities initiatives and research from across UK higher and further education and skills. Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Tali …
Universities, colleges and independent providers that have signed up to pilot the Digital discovery tool will receive their access codes today. On this page you can learn more about the new Discovery tool, the Potential.ly platform, the different assessments available, and the guidance that will help you put it all into practice. Where we are …