Attribution Creative Commons OER

CC: BYE, an update to the last post

In my last post I wrote …I want my work to be seen, used and adapted, but I want it done in a way that ethically aligns with my values. I do not mind if it is used commercially, but I do want to hold people to an ethical standard. Do I want an ethics […]

algorithms Cambridge Analytica Creative Commons digpedpei ethics lms OER open analytics VLE

Do I need a new license? Creative Commons, Cambridge Analytica and Ethics

Earlier this year Robin de Rosa and Rajiv Jhangiani launched the Open Pedagogy Notebook, a resource for any educators to both use open resources and learn more about the underpinning idea of open. I first met Robin in August 2016 at DigPedPEI, we had lots of conversations, and in one particular break out session Robin […]

Creative Commons Flickr Good practice Gratisography Haiku Deck Images Pixabay Public Domain Unsplash

Seven sites for sourcing free-to-use images

Scott provides an overview of some of his favourite sites for sourcing free to use images.

The post Seven sites for sourcing free-to-use images appeared first on Inspiring learning.