Digital literacies

Book now: Outcomes from JISC-funded ALLE project session

After the success of the Visitors and Residents session before Christmas, we’re excited to announce another equally-exciting (and free!) session for which booking is now open. Lyn Greaves from the University of West London will share the findings of the JISC-funded ALLE project. The session will run from 14:00 on Friday 20th January 2012 and […]

Tracks in the snow: finding and making sense of the evidence for institutional transformation

As we trudge into the New Year many projects are getting to grips with developing a baseline and deciding how they will measure the transformational impact of their work. It therefore seems seasonal to revisit a session at last year’s ALT-C conference where we explored these issues. The ‘Tracks in the Snow’ post on the […]

Assessment and feedback Digital literacies

Looking forward to events in 2012

Several JISC e-Learning programmes started in late 2011, including the Assessment & Feedback and Digital Literacies programmes. As we’ve already flagged-up, building on the success of the Digital Visitors and Residents online session, we’ve got several free events coming up which may be of interest: Outcomes of ALLE JISC Digital Literacies project Lyn Greaves, Thames […]

Digital literacies

Guardian article on JISC’s Digital Literacies work

An article by JISC Programme Manager Sarah Knight in last week’s Guardian highlighted the work of JISC in the digital literacies arena over the last few years: Work by the JISC/British Library commissioned Researchers of Tomorrow team shows that there is little difference in the capabilities of younger and older students when it comes to […]

Digital literacies

Focus on Digital Literacies blog posts

There is some fantastic reflective work going on within the project blogs associated with the JISC Developing Digital Literacies Programme. These are collated on our Netvibes page. A couple of resources shared by Shirley Williams on the University of Reading’s project blog are worth highlighting: Vitae in partnership with The British Library are running Digital […]

Digital literacies

Developing Digital Literacies: final JISC national workshop

A free workshop from the JISC e-Learning Programme on developing digital literacies is taking place on 22nd February 2012 in Edinburgh. This will be the sixth and final workshop in the successful series of national JISC workshops on developing learners and learning organisations for the 21st Century. The workshop is being run in partnership with […]

Digital literacies

Digital Visitors and Residents: Project Feedback

Last Friday we had the privilege of welcoming David White (University of Oxford) and Dr. Lynn Silipigni Connaway (OCLC) to present some of the findings from their JISC-funded work on Digital Visitors and Residents. Slides, audio and a recording of the Blackboard Collaborate session can be found below: [slideshare id=10573310&doc=visitorsandresidentspdfofppt-111213044409-phpapp01] Listen to recording of Digital […]

Assessment and feedback

Assessment and Feedback – new JISC programme underway

The JISC Assessment and Feedback programme was launched in October and projects are now well underway. The programme is focused on supporting large-scale changes in assessment and feedback practice, supported by technology, with the aim of enhancing the learning and teaching process and delivering efficiencies and quality improvements. There are three programme strands with projects […]

Upcoming (free!) webinars

As part of the following JISC e-Learning programmes we shall be running several webinars that are free and open to interested parties: Assessment and Feedback Developing Digital Literacies Curriculum Design Course Data OER The list below gives a flavour of what will be available, but do check often the JISC e-Learning Webinars calendar (also linked […]

Highlights from Theme 2 of Innovating e-Learning 2011: Learning in transition

If you have not been able to take part, highlights from the sixth JISC Online Conference are recorded here. Opening keynote: Mike Sharples, Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University, challenged delegates to distinguish between hype and reality when navigating the future of technology-enhanced learning and teaching. Open practices and learning analytics will prompt […]