Course Data

Preparing the Ground


CC BY Deborah Fitchett

The Stage 2 Roadshows in London and Leeds brought together project representatives from across England – no mean feat given some of the weather conditions a number of participants had had to contend with.

The lists of delegates for the two days gave an interesting overview of the diversity of experiences of participants across the projects.  There were people from further education and higher education, from very large and relatively small organisations, based in urban and rural settings.  Job roles were diverse too with a wide range of areas covered – including web development, marketing, student admissions, registry, lecturing, management information systems, and quality.

Their experiences may have differed in a number of ways but there was a common theme on which there was widespread agreement across the board – the importance of getting the processes right in order to ensure the desired outcomes.

Leo Lyons of University of Kent blogged after the London event that reviewing of current workflows ‘might prove more problematical’ but he felt that, ‘it was good to hear people’s ideas and at least feel we were not alone’.

The chance to talk to colleagues and share ideas and concerns is very valuable and bodes well for other forms of cross-project activity throughout Stage 2.

Projects may find it useful to look at the information on process improvement and review available in the Process Improvement infoKit which is part of JISC infoNet’s wider collection of resources on Organisational Efficiency.  The infoKit includes material on analysing and reviewing processes, and provides tools and techniques to support the activity.

Check out the links below:

By Janette Hillicks

Researcher/Analyst at JISC infoNet, a JISC Advance Service

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