Electronic management of assessment

New version of lifecycle

Well – it’s not really new it’s just been given a facelift by the Jisc Comms team for use at Digifest but it looked so good I thought I’d share it right now for the benefit of others who are using the model.

#scalinglearning #suoll progress update project management Scaling up online learning

Outline plans: progress this month

Since the publication of the projects outline plans last month, the Scaling up Online Learning project is moving forward: two invitation to tenders (ITTs) are in the final stages of editing and are due to be released later this month/early next month. The first ITT relates to the scaling up online learning toolkit where we are …

Digital student

Conducting learner experience focus groups

In the Learner experience collection phase of the FE Digital Student study we conducted 12 focus groups at 6 colleges in England, Scotland and Wales We met a total of 220 learners on L1 – L3 programmes across: Child Care Health and Social Care Creative Media Animal Management IT Sociology And in each subject, we …

Digital capability

Digital Literacy: the third Essential Skill in Wales

Wales has recently taken significant steps towards establishing digital literacy as one of the Essential Skills within the FE, Work Based Learning and Adult Community Learning sectors for adults and young people who want to gain qualifications in communication, application of number, IT and ESOL. Along with colleagues in Jisc Wales, I’ve been involved in …

Electronic management of assessment

Have your say!

At our workshop in December some of you worked with us to develop a range of solution ideas to tackle the prioritised challenges, which were refined down into five concept areas. At our second workshop in January more of you collaborated with suppliers to work up each of these further. We would now like to […]

data literacy Digital capability Get involved

Data literacy: challenges and approaches

One area of digital capability which has been flagged up as a key challenge at the moment is around data literacy for both staff and students. Although data literacy is most closely associated with information literacy, it cuts across many of the different areas of digital literacy. For example, in the model we use in …

#scalinglearning #suoll planning project management Scaling up online learning

Scaling up online learning: outline plans

As outlined in the projects last blog post, the best of the ideas that came out of the ideas board for the project were considered by the projects Working Group during a dedicated workshop session. The solutions that they considered and the outcomes for each of these are summarised in the table below: Idea Desira-bility Feasi-bility Commit-ment Outcome …

Register now for the new SEDA accredited Jisc Institutional Change Leader award

We are delighted to announce the launch of the new SEDA accredited Jisc Institutional Change Leader award. This award supports staff and students working in partnership on curriculum innovation projects in UK further education and skills and higher education. It supports those about to undertake change agency work as well as those who have already …

Digital student FE and Skills FE digital student

FE Digital Student consultation events underway

This week I attended the second in a series of events taking place throughout the UK as part of the FE Digital Student Project and was delighted to see plenty of stimulating discussions and thought-provoking presentations centred around the theme of learners’ expectations and experiences of using technology in further education. The day included a …

Digital student

UCISA digital capabilities survey

Happy new year! At last I have got around to a blog post about the outcomes of the 2014 UCISA survey on digital capabilities (this link is to the Executive Summary report – full report in a few weeks’ time). Publication of the exec sum was accompanied by a webinar in December which looked at …