Digital experience insights Digital student FE digital student

Welcome to the April 2021 digital experience insights blog: helping you to prepare for the next academic year.

Congratulations on continuing to gather over 40,000 HE student, nearly 15,000 learners, 5000 teaching staff and 5000 Professional service staff responses to date!   If you have already launched your 2020-21 student digital experience survey you will already have data that can help you to respond to the continuing situation and adaptions to online learning. If […]

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Digital experience insights Digital student FE and Skills FE digital student

Over 50,000 students, teaching and professional services staff and researchers have told us about their digital experience this year

The findings from the 2020 survey of the digital experience of professional services staff are now available, ensuring the contributions of those who play an essential role in our organisations is heard and emphasising the value of listening to and engaging with all users. When combined with the findings from our pilot researchers survey and […]

The post Over 50,000 students, teaching and professional services staff and researchers have told us about their digital experience this year appeared first on Jisc digital insights.

Digital student FE and Skills FE digital student

Further Education project posts final report

The Jisc Digital Student project has investigated the expectations and experiences of technology provision held by students coming into higher education, and also funded a small review of current practice within secondary schools. The further education and skills project ran between 1 June 2014 and 30 April 2015 in order to extend the findings of …

Digital student FE and Skills FE digital student

FE Digital Student consultation events underway

This week I attended the second in a series of events taking place throughout the UK as part of the FE Digital Student Project and was delighted to see plenty of stimulating discussions and thought-provoking presentations centred around the theme of learners’ expectations and experiences of using technology in further education. The day included a …

Digital student FE and Skills FE digital student

Digital learning – what the learners say

I had a brilliant day at the NUS FEstival 2014 conference today in Milton Keynes. The conference is run annually and supports new learner reps with getting involved in the key issues relating to their experiences as FE learners. This is an annual event for students’ unions and learner voice staff in further education colleges. …