AI AI Bullshit AIngry ChatGPT Culture ethics Marketing Procurement Students

That thing you just said about your AI? Yeah, I have questions.

I / we have written about AI. We have asked about disclaimers and acknowledgements in response to people saying things like “We might feel that […]

#ALTC23 AI creativity Events labs remote storytelling

Personal reflections on #ALTC23 Conference

Chris reflects on this year’s ALT C conference at the University of Warwick, sharing some of his personal takeaways.
The post Personal reflections on #ALTC23 Conference appeared first on Inspiring learning.

digital experience Digital student Higher Education international students reports Student Experience

International students: a round-up of recent reports and news

Building on our previous blog post,  Tabetha Newman, our consultant researcher, has summarised some interesting reports and articles that have been published since our ISDX Phase 1 report was launched in April 2023. We hope you find these useful, and look forward to sharing the Phase 2 findings (where we collected feedback from international students) […]

The post International students: a round-up of recent reports and news appeared first on Jisc digital insights.

AI artificial intelligence ChatGPT Watch this space

Reflections on AI in healthcare and beyond

Scott and Kathryn share their thoughts on an AI-themed workshop to the comms team of the National Institute of Health Research and flag some key topics for further discussion.
The post Reflections on AI in healthcare and beyond appeared first on Inspir…

Digital student

Sector engagement in international students’ digital experience

We are invigorating this blog with the new research into international students’ digital experience. Since launching our phase 1 report investigating the digital experience of international students at THE Digital Universities event in April, we’ve been busy engaging the sector in its findings.  We have been grateful for further opportunities to speak at events such as: […]

The post Sector engagement in international students’ digital experience appeared first on Jisc digital insights.

abundance Book Review community as curriculum cormier information literacy this again

Dave Cormier, Musk, and Climate Change: A review of “Learning in a Time of Abundance”.

Back in June 2023 Musk Tweeted What has this tweet, and climate change got to do with Dave Cormier and his new book?   Let’s start […]

accessibility augmented reality community content development extended reality htc Immersive Tech Immersive technology meta metaverse Mixed reality Virtual Reality

Protected: Immersive Technologies and Sustainability: The Key Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The post Protected: Immersive Technologies and Sustainability: The Key Challenges and Opportunities Ahead appeared first on Inspiring learning.

DET DigitalElevationTool FE FurtherEducation

The agile college

Posted on behalf of Andrew McFadyen, senior consultant for Further Education, JiscYou may have heard of agile working, although many of us may not use it in our working day. In this new guide, Andrew shows how Jisc’s digital elevation tool can help your college work in an agile manner. Agile methodologies and scrum processes […]

accessibility Culture Digital capability Inclusion learning technologies

If you set a minimum standard…

… that’s what they’ll strive for.  I was recently asked how I would change something to make the accessibility elements more in line with inclusive principles. […]

Academic Misconduct AI cheating Culture

Means. Motive, Opportunity: A Composite Narrative about Academic Misconduct

Reposted my original post from the National Centre for AI  I would like to thank the late Andrew Cormack for his support in approaching the […]