I am delighted to announce that Livework are working with us and the project’s working group to undertake a service design review around the potential of a UK directory of online courses. The Livework team will be looking at: How a directory of online courses can deliver value for different users. What would differentiate a Jisc …
It’s been a busy few weeks. I’ve been speaking about the new ‘six elements of digital capability’ framework at several events including the UCISA Spotlight on Digital Capabilities event , EdTech15 in Ireland, the Jisc Learning and Teaching Experts’ group, the Standing Conference on Academic Practice and the Acadamic Practice with Technologies conference at Greenwich …
In order to help us in planning the future of the Change Agents’ Network (CAN), we would be grateful if you could help us with some feedback on whether you are using, and if so, benefiting from the various CAN activities and resources. These include the CAN networking events and webinars, advice and guidance, the …
I have been very fortunate over the past week to have attended a number of events run by colleges and universities where the theme of student –staff partnership working has been the focus. This in itself is an interesting development and shows the growing awareness of how important it is to engage students in the …
The role of digital skills, and the roles of leaders in education engaging in digital skills has been highlighted in a variety of reports including the Select Committee on Digital Skills own report, Make or Break: The UK’s Digital Future. However, the recognition of need for leaders to exploit technology goes back as far as …
Guest post by Moira Wright, Digital Literacy Officer,E-Learning Environments, UCL Digital literacy: student (staff) partnership working Highlights from a new student (staff) group London Digital Student Meet-up (LDSM) co-organised by LSE and UCL it aimed to provide a platform for student networking. LDSM is open to all students working on digital literacy and student engagement …
A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of speaking about the Digital Student project at the UCISA Spotlight on Digital Capabilities. What I enjoyed most about the event was how the sessions dealt directly with the realities of supporting and embedding digital practices. There was no abstract waffle about ‘identity’ or hard-sell techno-solutionism. …
Guest post by Dr Martin Oliver, Institute of Education There are many practical reasons why people might want to study online – convenience, flexibility and so on. But are there other benefits, too? The Institute of Education undertook a study for Pamoja Education , the only approved provider of online courses for the 16 to …
Last week the SkillSet team, along with Lou McGill presented the initial user stories and wireframes for the diagnostic tool and the priority themes covering both the diagnostic tool and the Scaling up online learning toolkit to the project’s working group during a webinar workshop for their comment and feedback. The workshop began with an introduction by the SkillSet …
It’s been a hectic, interesting and sometimes information-overloaded couple of months on the Digital Capabilities frameworks project. Lou McGill and I have reviewed over 60 existing frameworks for describing the digital capabilities of staff, from professional frameworks which might only touch on digital practice, to frameworks from the IT industry, digital media, and business innovation. …