Digital student

Digital student at the NUS Reps’ conference

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to run a workshop at the NUS Course Reps’ conference exploring outcomes of the digital student work, and specifically looking at uses of the Jisc/NUS Digital Student Experience benchmarking tool. There was a huge turn-out at Goldsmiths’ College for the London leg of the conference. Like the …

Electronic management of assessment

Supplier responses to UK HE EMA system requirements

We are delighted that 15 suppliers have so far responded to the Jisc and UCISA invitation to complete our EMA system requirements template. The template was designed to clarify the core requirements of UK He providers. The responses will help universities and colleges better understand the ways in which particular systems can support their needs …

Electronic management of assessment

Supplier responses to UK HE EMA system requirements

We are delighted that 15 suppliers have so far responded to the Jisc and UCISA invitation to complete our EMA system requirements template. The template was designed to clarify the core requirements of UK He providers. The responses will help universities and colleges better understand the ways in which particular systems can support their needs …

Digital student

Digital Student Skills sector consultation event – Bristol 17 February

Posted on behalf of Giles Pepler, project manager for the Jisc Skills sector study: The first of three provider and learner consultations was held in Bristol on Wednesday 17th February. The event was full to capacity, with over 50 participants, with colleges, private training providers, ACL, universities and college learners all represented. We were particularly …

Case Studies Electronic management of assessment

Getting started with small scale EMA

Not all universities or colleges are currently implementing EMA organisation-wide. Some of you have told us you are looking for guidance on how to get started with EMA on a smaller scale. In this podcast  Bryony Olney from the University of Sheffield talks about how she went about organising an EMA pilot in her department. […]

Notes and presentations from 5th UK Learning Analytics Network event in London

A year after our first networking event we were back at the University of East London on 3rd Feb 2016. Interest in learning analytics has grown hugely over the past year, and we had nearly 100 people this time. We had an action-packed agenda with a lot of expertise provided by the various presenters. After a welcome …

Digital student

Join the pilot of the Student/Learner digital experience tracker

Pilot of the Student/Learner digital experience tracker Following feedback on the Digital Student Data service from the consultation events to date, expert input, and intensive testing of the questions with learners from HE and FE, we are now ready to pilot a beta version of the digital experience tracker with a small number of universities, …

University of Winchester Student Fellowship Scheme Case Study Published

Posted on behalf of Clare Killen: The Student Fellowship Scheme (SFS) at The University of Winchester recruits and trains students to work on targeted educational development projects alongside academics and professional staff.  The SFS evolved from the Jisc-funded FASTECH project, a collaborative project involving staff and students at The University of Winchester and Bath Spa University that advanced  …

Digital capability

Working with the Heads of Educational Development Group

This is a write-up of a workshop I ran for HEDG in November (yes finally! I have been working with universities in Australia since then – more in a following post). It is always good to work with educational developers, a group of people who are alive to the need for teaching staff to develop …


Time to put a stop to the Sound-byte Generation

Touch-Screen Generation, iPad Generation, Generation Z, Touchscreen Teens These kinds of terms are a useful way for identifying if a talk will be any good or whether it will be full of sound-bytes. But the language is more than that, using it in this way disenfranchises billions of people in the world with no access […]