Week 3 with 1 left to go…

As week 3 of the #Codesign16 draws to a close, we are starting to summarise the discussions to date. We will present these during a joint Jisc – ALT webinar 13:00-14:00 on Monday 21st November. Please Register HERE and join in to give us your feedback. You can also answer the 6 #Codesign16 challenge questions about […]


Codesign challenge: Here be data monsters

I’ve always been fascinated with those old maps with the vast unknown spaces populated with sea monsters or massive serpents. But I’ve never understood whether the monsters were intended as warnings to stay away or as enticements to explore. I get the same feeling about our co-design challenge of using data as a way to […]

The story so far

Storify of the discussion so far: [View the story “Data-informed improvements in learning and teaching” on Storify]

Case Studies Learning design Legal Issues

Notes and presentations from 8th UK Learning Analytics Network event at The Open University

About 100 people from across the UK turned up to Jisc’s latest learning analytics network event at the OU to share their experiences of implementing learning analytics, and to hear about some of the latest developments. Jisc colleagues, Paul Bailey, Michael Webb, Lee Baylis and Rob Wyn Jones kicked off with an update on developments …

Case Studies co-design Course Data Curriculum Design data literacy digital capabilities Digital capability

Data, Quality Assurance and improving the Student Experience

Data is a fact of life for everyone in higher education. And there’s a lot of it. Among other things, there’s data about students, staff, estates and research. At a national level data turns into metrics, benchmarks and performance indicators. There are percentages, proportions, a standard registration population, headcounts and full person equivalents. Data–driven decision […]

anthropology narratives open analytics storytelling Student Experience

Analytics & Narratives

This post is Co-Authored with Dave Cormier The importance of storytelling in organisational change is sometimes overlooked, this post, and especially today, is written with Andrew Asher and Donna Lanclos in mind, who capture the stories in and around libraries to enhance the student experience. In 2016 the predictive and explanatory power of analytics have […]

Data-driven improvements: stories from the schools sector

I had the pleasure of attending the #edtechuk global summit on Friday, hearing about the space where education (all sectors), technology and entrepreneurship meet. It was really interesting to be at an event where schools, HE and FE are all considered, and I picked up a couple of tales from the schools sector which I […]

Day 4 of the Codesign challenge – linking to Jisc Learner Analytics

Jisc has been supporting the UK HE and FE sectors in the area of Learner Analytics. Read more about this work here:  The Co-design Challenge ‘How can we use data to improve teaching and learning?’ compliments our learner analytics work as it is considering which other data sources could be used for quality enhancement purposes along with […]

Digital student Tracker

Digital Student Experience Tracker – out of the blocks!

A huge welcome to all of the 120+ universities, colleges and providers who are signed up to run the Tracker this time around. We expected no more than 60, so this is a huge vote of confidence. We’re very excited to have you all on board, including: returners from the original pilot (waving!) who will …

Data-driven improvements in learning and teaching: day one

Here’s the summary of the first day of discussions. [View the story “How can we use data to improve teaching and learning?” on Storify]