Four years on from FELTAG

This guest post is by Ros Smith, author of the updated Evolution of FELTAG guide. Over the last few months, I had the privilege to ‘talk FELTAG’ with some leading senior managers and practitioners in further education (FE). Why? It was time to take a fresh look at the impact of the FELTAG recommendations on …

#JiscDigLead codesign Good practice technology

Digital innovation: choosing what’s likely to fly

With such rapid development in technology and limited resources in education, it’s hard for leaders to know which innovations in technology are likely to succeed and potentially transform learning, professional practice and the effectiveness of their institution. Looking forward to this year’s Jisc Digital Leaders programme, Chris gives some simple guidance on identifying the projects that are likely to make a difference.

The post Digital innovation: choosing what’s likely to fly appeared first on Inspiring learning.

Digital capability Institutional capability

Digital capabilities: a whole-organisation approach

New and updated resources in this post: Developing digital capability: an organisational framework Digital capability case studies: synthesis report Developing digital capability in your organisation: briefing paper Developing digital capability in your organisation: poster. In 2009/10, through its Learning Literacies for a Digital Age (LLiDA) project, Jisc first flew a flag for what has become …

Digital capability Framework

Digital capabilities framework: an update

This is the first in a series of posts to bring you up to date with developments on the Digital Capabilities Framework and associated resources from Jisc. Each post will start with a list of  resources so you can go straight to those links if you prefer. New/updated resources in this blog post: Digital Capabilities …

Digital capability Framework

Digital capability profiles for different roles

This is the second post in our rolling update on the Building digital capabilities challenge and associated resources from Jisc. New and updated resources in this post: Teacher profile for further education and skills Teacher profile for higher education Library and information professional profile Learning technology professional mapping Leader profile Learner profile Researcher profile   …

Staff Dashboard

Designing learning analytics dashboards

Universities and colleges are accumulating significant amounts of data about student engagement, potentially enabling early warning about students at risk of failure – and the enhancement of many aspects of course provision. But how should that data be presented to the various stakeholders in institutions? Who are these stakeholders and what would be the most …

Early bird registration for CAN 2017: Extended until 5 March

Registration for CAN 2017 is  open  and the early bird rates are  available until 5 March.  The 5th annual CAN conference on 20 & 21 April is a fantastic opportunity for students and staff from across the UK to share good practice and honest reflections on the importance of working in partnership to improve the …

#JiscDigLead digital leadership Social Media visitor - resident

Development not Training: an approach to social media for leaders

The Jisc Digital Leaders course is running again in May. Whenever we have run the course we have always had lots of questions about social media, especially Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin (sic). These three particular platforms perhaps embody one of the key issues – and causes of angst – for many people both working in education […]

Learning gain

Notes and presentations from the 9th Jisc Learning Analytics Network meeting at Exeter University

Our network meeting this week in Exeter was again fully booked; there does seem to be a growing interest in learning analytics in the UK. This was also a particularly informative meeting, I felt, and we were able to absorb a huge amount of expertise from our presenters. Exeter University is ahead of much of the sector …

Digital student

12 new learner stories now available

The idea for the Digital Learner Stories came from feedback at a consultation event at the end of the Jisc Digital student: Skills sector study.  Participants remarked that it would be useful to have real learner voices talking briefly about their digital experiences in various post-16 sectors.  This would be a resource to help groups …