Trends Unpacked: Organizational Challenges and Learning Analytics (Part 1)

This is another guest post from Lindsay Pineda, Senior Implementation Consultant, Unicon, Inc. with Patrick Lynch, Technology Enhanced Learning Advisor, University of Hull. Earlier this month, I posted an article about the learning analytics readiness trends observed over the last year as I traveled to several UK HE (higher education) institutions with my colleague, Patrick Lynch …

FE and Skills

College Analytics Lab – A Digital Modelling Environment for the FE and Skills Sector

Further Education Colleges are adept at dealing with change and challenge. They have to be. Identifying, evaluating and capitalising on opportunities which arise in the rapidly changing environment we work in is a core skill of all successful college leaders. Recent conversations with college principals have shown that meeting local employers’ needs; improving student experience …

Full programme for CAN 2017 now available

The full programme for CAN 2017 is now available.  Links to the Day 1 and Day 2 abstracts for each session can be found here. Proudly hosted by The University of Exeter, the 5th annual Change Agents’ Network Conference presents a fantastic opportunity to share effective practice and honest reflections on student and staff partnership …

Blended learning Digital capability teaching technology

Teaching without speaking

Esther reflects on how she learned to teach without speaking and what that meant for her practice as a learning technologist.

The post Teaching without speaking appeared first on Inspiring learning.

Digital student Learner stories

Key themes from the Digital Learner Stories now available

Helen Beetham has now completed a comprehensive summary of the key themes that have emerged from the Digital Learner stories. The summary takes key themes from the 12 different learners’ stories and allows the learners voices to explore each theme in turn. Highlights of the summary include the following. Key benefits of digital learning for …

Digital capability Framework Institutional capability

Digital capabilities at Digifest: reports from Brighton, North Lindsey and Nottingham

We were at Digifest in Birmingham last week to launch the new and updated Digital capability resources, including a brand new series of organisational case studies and a synthesis report on their experiences. Key players from three of our case study institutions were there with us on Tuesday to speak about their experiences. Fiona Handley …

Learning Analytics Adoption and Implementation Trends

This is a guest blog by Lindsay Pindeda, who is currently a Senior Implementation Consultant for Unicon and has a rich background in learning/predictive analytics. In her previous position, she focused on helping to develop, implement, and execute a proprietary predictive modeling technology that has proven to be successful in predicting student course persistence on …

Digital capability Institutional capability

Case studies: journeys towards digital expertise

New and updated resources in this post: Case studies: Anglia Ruskin University: A digital literacy framework for staff and students Bournemouth University: A new vision for learning University of Brighton: Digital literacies in professional development and the curriculum Epping Forest: Unleashing student creativity Glasgow Caledonian University: A focus on flexible curriculum design Hillcroft College: Small …

Digifest: Learning analytics interventions should always be mediated by a human being

I was at Jisc Digifest 2017 last week involved in several sessions around data and analytics. However for me the most interesting session was the debate on Humans vs Machines debating whether  “Learning analytics interventions should always be mediated by a human being”. In case you are new to learning analytics, it is the use …

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Amplifying Events through Social Media

Scott explores how social media can be put to good effect to amplify events with some practical tips and tricks picked up from the recent #Digifest17 event.

The post Amplifying Events through Social Media appeared first on Inspiring learning.