co-authored by Donna Lanclos, James Clay, and Chris Thomson It’s been three years since we ran the the first Jisc Digital Leaders Programme. During the programme we have have emphasised the need for leaders in education to model the behavioural change that they wish to see in digital. “Be more digital”, “Write a digital strategy”, […]
Category: #JiscDigLead
An academic recently approached me and said: “I have been doing things this way for a long time – I want to do some digital stuff, I am on Twitter, I use Facebook I have good skills in Office and Google, but how do get started with changing my teaching?” It got me thinking. We […]
Image by Alan O’Rourke This week I have been preparing for the second residential of the Jisc Digital Leaders course. Whilst the course is premised on role of digital, digital is actually a lens through which we look at institutional strategy and practice. We started off the course with a brief framing of digital and […]
In November I and colleagues will be delivering the next iteration of the Jisc Digital Leaders course, the fifth, and we have also got dates in the diary for January and February. One of the elements to the course is change management, we use examples of digital, but the key is the change. This week […]
One of the things I hear working with leaders in organisations is “I need to write the <insert term> strategy” — it doesn’t actually matter which strategy it is, or what flavour of a strategy it is. When you start working at a certain level, you have to start writing strategies, or parts of strategies; […]
With such rapid development in technology and limited resources in education, it’s hard for leaders to know which innovations in technology are likely to succeed and potentially transform learning, professional practice and the effectiveness of their institution. Looking forward to this year’s Jisc Digital Leaders programme, Chris gives some simple guidance on identifying the projects that are likely to make a difference.
The post Digital innovation: choosing what’s likely to fly appeared first on Inspiring learning.
The Jisc Digital Leaders course is running again in May. Whenever we have run the course we have always had lots of questions about social media, especially Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin (sic). These three particular platforms perhaps embody one of the key issues – and causes of angst – for many people both working in education […]
…just words and a tune I was re-reading Marcus Ellliott’s blog post last night, “Singing along, but I don’t know the words” seeing if I could spot any more spelling mistakes ;-). It was nice to be included on a list of “contemporaries” such as that. I started thinking about what are the common elements […]
On Tuesday and Wednesday next week Leaders from Further Education and Skills come together in Bristol to pilot Jisc’s first Digital Leaders Programme, followed on Thursday and Friday by Leaders from Higher Education. This first residential is highly interactive, focusing on the individual digital capabilities of leaders and developing ways of assessing their own skill …