Curriculum Design Curriculum mapping Digital sustainability Learning design sustainability

Early findings from the digital sustainability interviews

Scott shares the early findings from the interviews with members for the Jisc project ‘Embedding digital sustainability into teaching and learning.’ The key themes so far are discussed, including the challenges as well as good practice and useful resou…

Blended learning Curriculum Design digital experience Learning design

New “Beyond blended” standalone resources now available

Following publication of Beyond blended last autumn, consultants Sheila McNeill and Helen Beetham share news of new standalone resources for learning and curriculum designers. ‘Beyond blended’ In early autumn last year, we published the Beyond blended report.  The report provides an overview of our research and feedback from various community engagement activities that we have been […]

Blended learning Curriculum Design Learning design

Beyond blended: reflecting on Jisc’s curriculum and learning design work

Following publication of Beyond blended, consultants Helen Beetham and Sheila McNeill, share reflections on their work examining post-pandemic learning and curriculum design. Reflecting on the context of the project This project built on two decades of Jisc research, development and practice in curriculum design. In 2008-2012 Jisc funded 27 institutional projects on curriculum design in […]

ABC Learning Curriculum Design Digital capability Events Good practice Student Digital Experience Tracker Student Experience

Designing for the digital curriculum

In May Scott and Chris went to Queens University Belfast to deliver a series of worskshops exploring how we can support the students of the future effectively and what we need to consider when designing for the digital curriculum.

The post Designing for the digital curriculum appeared first on Inspiring learning.

Curriculum Design Learning and Teaching Learning design

Designing learning and assessment in a digital age – new guide for higher and further education

Launched on 26th January, Designing learning and assessment in a digital age marks a milestone moment in learning design by capturing the most significant outputs from the last decade of research and development in technology-enhanced practice and combining these with up-to-date exemplars, resources for downloading and adaptation, plus links to sources of further information. Appreciative […]

Case Studies co-design Course Data Curriculum Design data literacy digital capabilities Digital capability

Data, Quality Assurance and improving the Student Experience

Data is a fact of life for everyone in higher education. And there’s a lot of it. Among other things, there’s data about students, staff, estates and research. At a national level data turns into metrics, benchmarks and performance indicators. There are percentages, proportions, a standard registration population, headcounts and full person equivalents. Data–driven decision […]

#codesign16 Consultation Curriculum Design Get involved Technology Enhanced Learning

Co-design challenge: How can we use data to improve teaching and learning?

Welcome to the summary of the #codesign16 discussion on data-driven improvements in teaching and learning. We will be using this blog to collate feedback and post summaries of the discussions happening in various forums during the consultation phase. So please come here to see how the discussion develops and add your views. Comment below, or […]

Culture Curriculum Design Domain of one's own Student Experience Technology Enhanced Learning Vulnerability

Vulnerability in the Curriculum: No one cares about your soup!

Digital Pedagogy Lab : Prince Edward Island : Fourth Reflections Vulnerability comes from the latin vulnerare, “to wound” and is defined as “exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally” I’ve been discussing vulnerability as a part of authenticity for a while now and thinking about it in my own […]