Digital student

What drives student satisfaction with their digital experience?

In reviewing the data from two major Tracker pilots, and other work done by the Digital Student projects, we have developed a deeper understanding of the elements of the student digital experience. We know that it centres on the course of study. Confident teaching staff, relevant learning activities, and up-to-date digital systems all contribute to …

Digital capability

Autumn update

Now the summer holidays are over and the start of a new academic year is upon us, our thoughts are turning to new developments with the Jisc digital capability project over the coming months. ALT-C Firstly, for those of you attending ALT-C this week, the digital capabilities team will be running a workshop exploring organisational …

Learning Analytics Service Agreement – Final

The  Jisc Learning Analytics Service Agreement  is available to download and we would like to thank everyone who provided feedback and comments. Here is a version showing the changes that have been made to the agreement.  Learning Analytics Service Agreement_Consultation-Final_Compared Existing implementation institutions have already been contacted regarding the process for signing the new agreement. …

The McMaster Summer Institute for Students as Partners 2017: living and breathing partnership internationally

We are delighted to have a guest post from Dr Catherine Bovill, Senior Lecturer in Student Engagement, Institute for Academic Development, University of Edinburgh: The McMaster Summer Institute for Students as Partners was first run in 2016 and brings together researchers and practitioners interested and active in Students as Partners (SaP) work across the world. …

Digital student

Student digital experience tracker 2017: the voice of 22,000 UK learners

Universities and colleges are investing large sums of money on their digital environment both in terms of infrastructure, learning materials and supporting their staff with the development of their digital capabilities. But how do we know if the investment being made in these areas is impacting on our students’ digital experience? What do students’ expect …

FE and Skills Coalition Meeting – The Apprenticeship Journey in a Digital Age

On the 10th May over 50 representatives from further education and skills across the UK attended the Jisc hosted FE and Skills coalition meeting in London. The theme of the meeting was the apprenticeship journey in a digital age. The aims of the meeting were to explore how we can embed technology throughout apprenticeship design, …

Digital capability

Launch of new digital capability community and new guide to developing organisational approaches to digital capability

Technological change and evolving digital capabilities – how can we keep up? Digital know-how (Beetham, 2015) is an acknowledged asset to our future economy (House of Lords select committee on digital skills, 2015) that is changing the way we work, communicate and conduct our personal business. The sustained rate of growth in digital innovation and …

Electronic management of assessment

Digital Assessment: current and future developments across europe

The webinar took place on 25th April 2017. It was organised by EUNIS in collaboration with JIsc. Topics covered included national initiatives in Norway and the Netherlands and the experiences of the University of Bergen (using Canvas for formative assessment and Inspera for digital exams). The webinar recording can be found here: Follow the …

Change agents’ network comes of age with the 5th annual CAN conference

I was privileged to work with the University of Exeter this year to organise the 5th annual conference of the Change agents’ network. The conference which took place on the 20 – 21 April was attended by 180 staff and students from universities and colleges across the UK. This year’s theme, Supporting effective partnerships, was …

Full programme for CAN 2017 now available

The full programme for CAN 2017 is now available.  Links to the Day 1 and Day 2 abstracts for each session can be found here. Proudly hosted by The University of Exeter, the 5th annual Change Agents’ Network Conference presents a fantastic opportunity to share effective practice and honest reflections on student and staff partnership …