For University Mental Health Day, we’re discussing how data technology and student analytics could help with students’ mental health and wellbeing. University provides most students with more than academic development. It provides personal and social growth, creates long-term wellbeing foundations, and also sets the trajectory for the next stage of life. In October, Jisc published […]
Tag: e-Learning general
About a year ago I left Twitter (or X), a decision based on concerns about the platform’s increasingly toxic environment. The decision was right, and […]
Chris shows how clearing a document’s redundant version history in OneDrive can have a impact on cloud data storage and carbon footprint.
The post Is your PowerPoint’s version history contributing to climate change? appeared first on Inspiring le…
The registration online store is now open for CAN 2024, where the below link includes both in person and online registration options, and the opportunity to book accommodation at the University of Portsmouth. We are also offering a pre conference social BBQ the night before the In Person event on 22nd May. Registration Link: Please […]
We are delighted to announce the publication of Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Co-producing knowledge and curricula as a method for fostering student engagement, inclusion and academic integrity | The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change. The 21 articles in this bumper issue – many drawn from presentations and discussions at the Change Agents […]
Jisc’s Digifest conference has wrapped for another year. It was as enjoyable, challenging and informative as it’s ever been. The Community Hub area was a new feature this year; a space for the groups that Jisc supports to come together for …
Chris talks to Bath Spa’s Dr Rebecca Feasey about her team’s creative approach to assessment in media and communications.
The post Creative approaches to assessment – Dr Rebecca Feasey appeared first on Inspiring learning.
Last week, Adobe ran the latest of its Creative Campus Collaboration events at Bath Spa University. I’d been invited to run a session so this is a brief summary of some of the main points. Assessing the process, not the product I’ve been th…
The future of student engagement and student-staff partnerships to enhance higher education University of Portsmouth, 20th, 22nd & 23rd May 2024 The University of Portsmouth are proud to be working with Jisc to host the 11th Change Agents’ Network (CAN) Conference in May 2024. This conference will draw together students, students’ unions, professional services, academics […]
The 10th anniversary of the Jisc Change Agents’ Network Conference was successfully hosted by the University of Hertfordshire on 17th-18th May 2023. The conference theme of “Reimagining student/staff partnerships to generate new learning opportunities” inspired two full days of engaging sessions and much discussion. You can read a write up about the conference here You […]