Minding our open language at ALTC

Amber Thomas and I ran a session at the ALTC2012 conference entitled “Openness – Learning from our history”. Amber has already written about her reflections on the Digital Infrastructure team blog, and I’ll be capturing some more of my reflections after a similarly themed presentation at OpenEd with Sheila MacNeill of CETIS. But the main […]

Digital literacies

SEDA summer school reflections

I’ve been pulling together more blog posts from the people JISC sponsored to attend the SEDA summer school. For Barbara Newland, the summer school was a useful prompt to consider how the blended learning policies she draws up impact on individual academics and learning technologists. She also found time to complete a draft project plan […]

Digital literacies

Three wheels on my wagon, and other tales from the SEDA summer school

Our next summer school blog post is from Jakki Sheridan-Ross, who will dispel any illusions you may have had about the SEDA summer school being a bit of a jolly. I advise a cup of tea and a deep breath before launching into her post, which reflects on the whole (exhausting) summer school experience, and […]

Digital literacies

Summer school reflections

As part of the Developing Digital Literacies programme, JISC part-funded 12 scholarship places at the 2012 SEDA summer school, ‘Academic Development for the Digital University’. The people who took up these scholarships have been blogging their reflections from the event. Emma King, Learning and Development Advisor at the University of Warwick, reflects in her blog […]

Course Data Events

Managing Change

Following conversations with representatives of a number of projects over the months since the Course Data programme began it has become increasingly apparent that there was a recognised need for some additional support and information around change management. Change is at the core of so much project work and if it is not managed appropriately […]

Course Data

Managing course information at Staffordshire

Staffordshire University is participating in the course data programme and, like many of the projects in the programme, is finding that implementation of the KIS and other resource demands (in this case the procurement of a new student records system) present additional challenges for the project team. The University has however been aware of the […]

Publications and resources

JISC: Sharing effective practice in lifelong learning, e-portfolios, innovation in FE, digital literacies and learning environments

The JISC e-Learning Programme team is pleased to announce the release of five new publications on the themes of lifelong learning, e-portfolio implementation, innovation in further education, digital literacies, and extending the learning environment. These publications will be of interest to managers and practitioners in further and higher education and work based learning. Three of […]

Assessment and feedback

Assessment and feedback: Where are we now?

One year on for projects in the JISC Assessment and Feedback programme Five projects from the JISC Assessment and Feedback programme took part in the 2012 International Blended Learning Conference at the University of Hertfordshire on 13-14 June, when representatives from Collaborate (University of Exeter), iTEAM and EEVS (University of Hertfordshire), FASTECH (Bath Spa University […]

Digital literacies

New JISC Developing Digital Literacies briefing paper

The JISC e-Learning team are pleased to announce a new briefing paper as part of the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme. This is available in PDF format and can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/briefingpapers/2012/developing-digital-literacies.aspx Many thanks to Sarah Payton (@notyap) for her efforts in pulling this together.

Assessment and feedback

A view of the assessment and feedback landscape

The Assessment and Feedback programme has recently published a report which synthesises the baseline reviews of 8 institutional change projects. The purpose of the baseline process was to gain a picture of the current state-of-play of assessment and feedback processes and practices within these organisations and to provide a starting point against which to evaluate […]