Learning analytics is a new area of activity, but is being built on top of other disciplines with a long history. Some, such as statistics, have been around for centuries; others like social network analysis are much more recent. But there is not yet much published evidence of direct impact from learning analytics on measures of student …
*(Spoiler) No Bothans were harmed in writing this post – but if Rogue One taught us anything its that archives and libraries are dangerous places Lots of colleagues and friends are writing blogs at this time of year, reviews and “top 10 tech to watch in 2017” type things. I really enjoyed reading Martin Weller’s […]
…just words and a tune I was re-reading Marcus Ellliott’s blog post last night, “Singing along, but I don’t know the words” seeing if I could spot any more spelling mistakes ;-). It was nice to be included on a list of “contemporaries” such as that. I started thinking about what are the common elements […]
Warning: this is a fairly geeky post. I’ve attempted to make it understandable but feel free to stop reading now if you’re not interested in the technical details of the data behind learning analytics. It is, however, really important work – a key building block for the useful analytics on students and their learning that …
Enshrined in our Code of Practice for Learning Analytics is the principle that learning analytics should be for the benefit of students. It’s important for ethical and legal reasons to ensure that students with special needs are able to benefit equally from the technologies, and are not put at a disadvantage by the collection and use of …
Last Friday, representatives from a number of early adopter universities came together at Jisc’s Bristol offices to work on some of the areas that need to be tackled in their institutional learning analytics projects. Jisc’s Director of Data and Analytics, Michael Webb, demonstrated a new Data Explorer tool which provides useful visualisations, enabling institutions to …
The University of Exeter is proud to be hosting the 5th annual Change Agents’ Network Conference, which is being supported by Jisc on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st April 2017 at the Streatham Campus in Exeter. You can now register for the conference here. Please note early bird rates are until 23:59 on Wednesday 22nd …
Institutions that are rolling out learning analytics projects will have to address a range of new and often complex issues. This is likely to mean developing an institutional policy specifically to address these issues or adapting existing policies. Jisc’s Code of Practice for Learning Analytics provides a checklist of the areas which may need to be handled …
The joint Jisc- ALT webinar had a fantastic turn out with 127 registered to attend the event and join in the #Co-design16 challenge discussion on ‘How can we use data to improve teaching and learning?’ The full recording is available at http://bit.ly/2gGfFGx, Areas covered included; evidence to demystify myths, as well as how to use […]
#Codesign16 Launched on 31st October, so far the hashtag has appeared over 4000 times and discussion across all the challenges has been lively. The area I am leading is Next Generation Digital Learning Environments, receiving over 600 tweets and a dozen blog posts from across the sector. We asked a range of questions, including: What […]