Educational initiatives and technologies change, but the practices enabled by e-portfolio tools have, if anything, increasing relevance. In 2008 when we published our effective practice guide to e-portfolios, use of e-portfolio tools in UK universities and colleges was very much on the up, as is borne out by the UCISA TEL survey data which shows […]
In May Scott and Chris went to Queens University Belfast to deliver a series of worskshops exploring how we can support the students of the future effectively and what we need to consider when designing for the digital curriculum.
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The University of Leicester provided a great setting for our third community of practice meeting. With eighty five delegates participating in person and many more joining in online (using the hashtag #digitalcapability) this was one of our most vibrant and productive meetings to date. This is a brief summary of the event. All links to slides, …
Over the last few weeks we’ve been immersed in individual feedback on the experience of using the Digital discovery tool. This has meant some significant revisions to the content and format of the questions for staff, as described in an earlier post. As we are now at the end of the pilot we’ll be able to compare feedback …
Universities and colleges are understandably concerned about the European General Data Protection Regulation and its impact on their processes. There is quite a lot of uncertainty about how the new legislation applies to learning analytics initiatives. We believe it is perfectly possible to carry out learning analytics in the interests of students while complying with the new …
We are excited to announce @OpenUniversity will be hosting next year’s Change Agents’ Network conference #CAN19 @CANagogy Dates and details will be announced soon.
Feedback on Tabetha’s powerpoint template and excel file has been overwhelmingly positive – thank you everyone who has got back to us to say how useful these have been. You can download both files from our previous blog post. (The excel spreadsheet now has a minor update to improve the formulae – the links remain the same.) As we’re …
Do we consider all learners when embedding digital into teaching, learning and assessment? If they don’t have the newest device, good connectivity, unlimited data, can they still participate, engage and learn, what if they have a disability? When practitioners start to use innovative practices and technologies is everyone included? It’s not often that I talk […]
We are gradually receiving the presentations from CAN 2018 and they are being added to the Resources page. Along with the resources, there is a Storify and we’ve just received a link to a comprehensive blog post by Brad Forsyth and Jake Forecast, who presented last year at CAN 2017 as students from Epping Forest …
Zac Gribble shares some early findings while piloting VLE reviews. What is the role of the VLE and does an institution value it, use it to its full potential and how does this impact on student experience?
The post VLEs – Value, Learning and Engagement? appeared first on Inspiring learning.