community digifest Digital practice learning Student Experience Virtual Reality XR

What can we learn from the ALT/ Jisc XR community at Digifest 2025?

Despite the lunchtime slot, it was a solid turnout for the extended reality (XR) community meet up at Digifest, reflecting the growing interest and engagement in XR within the sector.
The post What can we learn from the ALT/ Jisc XR community at Digif…

apple new technology Virtual Reality Watch this space XR

Apple Vision Pro – First look

Zac books a demo with a new device from Apple and considers whether it has opportunities for teaching, learning and assessment. The Apple Vision Pro.
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augmented reality community digifest extended reality Virtual Reality

Planning your extended reality (XR) journey: lessons from our Digifest community workshop

In a recent community session, around 30 members gathered to discuss how they were integrating immersive technologies into teaching and learning at their institution. Through the discussion, participants explored some of the challenges, questions, and …

AI emerging technology privacy resilience safeguarding Virtual Reality VR Watch this space XR

Thoughts from Nesta on emerging technology for 2024

Chris shares what’s on Nesta’s emerging technology watch list for 2024
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accessibility augmented reality community content development extended reality htc Immersive Tech Immersive technology meta metaverse Mixed reality Virtual Reality

Protected: Immersive Technologies and Sustainability: The Key Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

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augmented reality Digital practice Employability Events Facebook online learning Reimagining teaching and learning Virtual Reality work based learning

What role will immersive technology and artificial intelligence play in the future of work?

The way we work is always evolving. Recent advancements in immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT are set to transform the way we work. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how such t…

Digital capability Digital Leaders Events Facebook Robotics Storify twitter Virtual Reality Wearable Technology

#ConnectMore16 with Jisc

Over the summer Jisc held a number of Connect More events (#ConnectMore16) across the UK to update our members on all the exciting projects we have been working on and to showcase the excellent practice from across the academic community. The Student Experience sub team have been lucky enough to attend and present at many …

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