#altc #digitalstudent #scalinglearning #suoll announcement progress update project outputs Scaling up online learning

Be online ready!

  New resources launched On Wednesday, during our ‘Creating online experiences that learners will value‘ session at ALT-C we launched a range of online learning resources that have been produced as part of our Scaling up online learning and Digital Student projects. Along with our report ‘What makes a successful online learner?‘ we launched our beta online learning readiness …

#digifest16 #scalinglearning #suoll progress update project management project outputs Scaling up online learning

Digifest demo summary

Last week at Jisc Digfest I gave a demonstration of the new Jisc Scaling up online learning guides and the Online Learning Readiness Tool* which received a lot of interest. It was a great opportunity to share the resources that have been developed over the last year as a result of feedback from the wider community …

#scalinglearning #suoll progress update project outputs Scaling up online learning

Improving the visibility of UK online courses

As part of the project’s work into investigating how the visibility of accredited UK online courses could be improved, LiveWork were commissioned to undertake research to understand user and institutional needs around this, and also to identify the value of a directory of UK online courses. They found that (for potential online students): Decision making …

#onlinedirectory #scalinglearning #suoll progress update project outputs Scaling up online learning

UK directory of online courses: update

I am delighted to announce that Livework are working with us and the project’s working group to undertake a service design review around the potential of a UK directory of online courses. The Livework team will be looking at: How a directory of online courses can deliver value for different users. What would differentiate a Jisc …

#diagnostictool #onlinetoolkit #scalinglearning #suoll progress update project outputs Scaling up online learning working group

Diagnostic tool and priority theme updates

Last week the SkillSet team, along with Lou McGill presented the initial user stories and wireframes for the diagnostic tool and the priority themes covering both the diagnostic tool and the Scaling up online learning toolkit to the project’s working group during a webinar workshop for their comment and feedback. The workshop began with an introduction by the SkillSet …

#onlinedirectory #scalinglearning #suoll progress update Scaling up online learning

Proof of concept: developing a directory of UK online courses

As one of the potential solutions identified by the community to help enable institutions to expand their online course offerings, the Scaling up online learning project has been exploring the viability and usefulness of developing a directory of UK online courses. As a very first exploration of this, Michael Webb, Jisc’s Director of technology and analytics, has put …

#scalinglearning #suoll progress update project management Scaling up online learning

Outline plans: progress this month

Since the publication of the projects outline plans last month, the Scaling up Online Learning project is moving forward: two invitation to tenders (ITTs) are in the final stages of editing and are due to be released later this month/early next month. The first ITT relates to the scaling up online learning toolkit where we are …