co-design demo Higher Education Insights postgraduate postgraduate study Staff Dashboard Strategy

5 reasons why you should join our next Interactive Insights demo

Through our Interactive Insights, we’ve developed three advanced data dashboards, designed to support institutions with harnessing key data to support their research, benchmarking and strategy planning. These tools empower institutions to analyse and act on insights related to graduate outcomes, staff intersectionality and student progression from undergraduate to postgraduate studies. To showcase the full potential […]

Code of Practice community data maturity Higher Education Trends

Meet your data journey companion: Jisc’s data maturity framework

Jisc’s data maturity framework treats data as an asset and defines what data maturity looks like in a higher and further education context. Data maturity refers to how well an organisation leverages its data for decision-making and its regulatory obligations. It considers risk mitigation, accountability and the effectiveness of data practices.  The model offers a […]

Building digital capability Wellbeing

Getting started with the Digital Elevation Tool – how one practitioner approached the challenge at two different colleges

  We have heard from some of our Digital Elevation Tool (DET) community members that knowing how to get started with the tool and apply it to their own context can be a significant blocker to progress. We are lucky to have a member of the community who has rolled out the tool at two […]

How to: blend multiple data sources together in Heidi Plus

Did you know you can use more than one dataset at a time in Heidi Plus? It’s easier than you might think! In this post we’ll pull together three different HESA datasets for an admittedly slightly spurious bit of analysis. There are lots of reasons you might want to blend together data sources. For example, […]


Next generation KEF dashboards offer further insight into higher education knowledge exchange

In March 2021, Research England and Jisc data analytics released the first dashboards from the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF). A pioneering project aiming to showcase the value of knowledge exchange between higher education (HE) in England and its diversity of partners. I covered the release in detail at the time and you can find out […]

How to: use sets in Heidi Plus for overlapping benchmark groups and departments

In this post I’ll take a quick look at using Sets in Heidi Plus to solve some potentially tricky issues you might have in creating visualisations and reports where you have groups whose members overlap. It’s fairly straightforward to create non-overlapping groups in Heidi Plus, for example, if you want to create a new hierarchy […]

Building digital capability Trends

Supporting digital fluency with the new and enhanced discovery tool

There is a continuous debate in both the education and commercial sectors on how we can support users in developing digital capability. As we continue to grow in an ever evolving digital world, being able to identify our own digital capabilities and continually develop them is becoming increasingly important. Having spent over 19 years working […]

Assessment data Learning Analytics Service Mental Health Policy

Notes and presentations from the 13th Learning Analytics Network meeting at the University of Edinburgh

Our latest UK Learning Analytics Network meeting was kindly hosted by the University of Edinburgh. Sessions varied from details of the range of innovations Edinburgh is involved with, to using assessment data, to student wellbeing and mental health, to current developments with Civitas Learning’s products and Jisc’s learning analytics service. The hashtag was #jisclan if …

Case Studies Learning Analytics Processor Learning Analytics Service Legal Issues

Notes and presentations from the 12th Learning Analytics Network meeting at the University of Greenwich

The University of Greenwich provided a great setting for our most recent UK Learning Analytics Network meeting on 23rd Nov 2017. It is recorded in 3 sections: Part 1: David Maguire (the latter part of his address), Phil Richards, Rob Wyn Jones, Mark Harrington (40 mins 32 secs) Part 2: Suzanne Owen, Michael Web, Panel Session (2hrs …

Case Studies Intervention Learning Analytics Service Staff Dashboard

Notes and presentations from the 11th Jisc Learning Analytics Network event at Aston University

Aston University kindly hosted our latest learning analytics network event last week in central Birmingham. This one involved fewer presentations and more group work, which seemed to work well. The workshop part was focussed on developing strategies for carrying out interventions. Paul Bailey updated the group first of all on how the Jisc effective learning …