A Technical Look into Learning Analytics Data and Visualisations

It’s past time I wrote something about how we’re getting along with our technical Learning Analytics system! I’m Jisc’s technical analytics innovator, and so far on the project I’ve been working on a few bits of the technological ‘glue’ which helps the various components of our learning analytics system interact. We’ve previously blogged a little …

Course Data

#coursedata demonstrators – skills dashboard

In my previous post I looked at how an institution might use their own xcri-cap feed to help advertise relevant courses to existing students. The benefits of using a standardised approach in that case is that the data structures in the specification has already been thought out and tested, so development time can be reduced […]

Course Data

#coursedata demonstrators – Plymouth Moodle block –

In this series of blog posts I’m looking at the Jisc #coursedata programme and in particular how the demonstrator projects  are using the xcri-cap feeds produced by the 63 stage 2 Projects. xcri-cap stands for eXchanging Course Related Information, Course Advertising Profile. xcri-cap is the UK standard for describing course marketing information, and provides a […]