Myles Danson is a JISC Programme Manager involved in the Associations strand of the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme. At this week’s conference for the Association of University Administrators (AUA) he ran a session with JISC infoNet Director Patrick Bellis. The session featured a section entitled What skills do we need for the digital age? […]
Digital literacy vs. Information literacy In an interesting post on Reading’s Digitally Ready blog, Helen Hathaway notes that ‘digital literacy’ often has a functional skills definition: Much of the discussion on “digital literacy” seems to look at the plumbing of digital tools rather than the quality of the information flowing through them, or the nuts […]
Two new resources from JISC offering guidance on large-scale e-portfolio implementation are now available at The e-Portfolio Implementation Toolkit has been developed from the JISC- funded e-Portfolio Implementation (ePI) study of successful institution-wide practice in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. The toolkit contains over one hundred exemplars of e-portfolio use in a wide […]
by Jay Dempster, JISC Evaluation Associate Sound evaluation designs for developing digital literacies stem from projects achieving clarity in two aspects: first, having a strong sense of what they are trying to do, for whom (beneficiaries) and in what ways; and second, identifying relevant and valid ways of measuring outcomes related to those aims and […]
Last Friday a number of those involved with the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme participated in a Guardian live chat online event. Comments are now closed, but it’s worth going through the whole transcript. Some highlights are included below. Helen Beetham, a consultant for the JISC Digital Literacies programme commented: It’s easy to get hung […]
Preparing the Ground
CC BY Deborah Fitchett The Stage 2 Roadshows in London and Leeds brought together project representatives from across England – no mean feat given some of the weather conditions a number of participants had had to contend with. The lists of delegates for the two days gave an interesting overview of the diversity of experiences […]
Sheila MacNeill from JISC CETIS wrote a fascinating post earlier this week about some of the technologies being used by projects who are part of the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme. Interestingly, the larger bubbles (which indicate more planned use) all tend to have a social element to them. Sheila will be following up this […]
Last Friday we had the privilege of welcoming Lyn Greaves and her colleagues at the University of West London to present some of the findings from their JISC-funded work on an Anytime Learning Literacies Environment (ALLE). Slides, audio and a recording of the Blackboard Collaborate session can be found below: [slideshare id=11172126&doc=lyngreavespresentationjiscwebinar-120120033440-phpapp01] Listen to […]
Recordings and presentations from the 2011 JISC Online Conference, Innovating e-Learning, are now available to view online. Looking at these again brings back memories of the event – one of the most enjoyable I can remember. And I am still surprised, even after many years of online conferencing, by the energy and inspiration the conference […]
Throughout the life of the Assessment & Feedback programme the JISC support & synthesis team will be looking at baseline summaries, interim reports, blogs, websites and a host of other outputs from the projects and summarising them for the wider sector. As a starting point for this synthesis activity we have developed an outline ‘framework’ […]