Course Data

#coursedata demonstrated

Yesterday saw the final face to face programme meeting for the Jisc #coursedata projects. The programme is supporting 63 institutions to review and revise their coursedata processes and as one of the outputs produce an xcri-cap feed. I’ve talked a bit about the feed acceptance criteria in an earlier post  but didn’t really expand on […]

Course Data

#coursedata – Feed acceptance

As Stage 2 of the JISC #coursedata programme enters it’s final stages we will be starting to look at the project outputs. One requirement is the production of : a system generated XCRI-CAP 1.2 feed with a cool URI for institutional course provision, especially part time, online/distance, post graduate and CPD. But what does […]

Assessment and feedback

Assessment and feedback tool development lessons

Wilbert Kraan from Jisc CETIS reflects on common findings which have emerged from Strand C of the Assessment and Feedback programme. These have been the more ‘techy’ projects in the programme as they’ve taken open source tools and adapted them for use beyond the organisations they were originally developed in. Read more….

Publications and resources

Analysing analytics

Being a linguist at heart, I chose to jump into the new Cetis Analytics Series of briefing papers with no. 5, What is analytics? Definition and essential characteristics, by Adam Cooper. Adam considers some definitions of analytics from other sources before plumping for this description: Analytics is the process of developing actionable insights through problem […]

Course Data

Actionable Insights

Adam Cooper has released another in the CETIS Learning Analytics series. Vol 1, No 5. What is Analytics? Definition and Essential Characteristics It neatly focusses on the practical application of Analytics which it describes as: “…the process of developing actionable insights through problem definition and the application of statistical models and analysis against existing and/or […]

Publications and resources

Analysing your Learning

Way back in 2005 I visited Alton College to look at a Moodle module they had created to make access to the NLN materials easier for teaching staff. They’d also invested quite a lot of effort into developing individual learning plans for students to access online. The plans included target grades and a progress tracker […]

Assessment and feedback

Assessment & Feedback – from reluctance to emotional response

At the recent JISC Assessment & Feedback programme meeting, I ran a session with the Strand B projects in which we revisited some questions we first discussed a year ago. Thus, instead of ‘What do you want to happen as a result of your project’s assessment and feedback innovation?’ we talked about what has happened. […]

#JISCEL12 sticking the bits together

Simon Booth and Stephen Vickers are tireless champions of practical interoperability. I’ve had the great pleasure of watching their double act at events like Dev8ed. Dev8ed Interview: Stephen Vickers on Vimeo. The IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) specification is supported by all major VLE platforms (including Blackboard, Moodle, WebCT, Desire2Learn, and Sakai) and offers a […]

#JISCEL12 consumed by the machine?

Paul Glister coined the term “Digital Literacy” in 1997 to suggest a more active engagement with new media, emphasising it was about mastering “ideas, not keystrokes”. As we implement solutions in our institutions that require increasing levels of digitally literacy, we bump into the problem of “mainstreaming”. This is frequently envisaged as a technical process, […]

#JISCEL12 Making your mark

I’ve just finished a Skype call with Tony Toole who is preparing a presentation for Session 3 in the JISC Innovating e-Learning Activity week. Tony was the project manager for the JISC “SWANI” (Secure Work-Based Learning Administration through Networked Infrastructure). The Project successfully created a digitised document management system for the administration of Work Based […]