UCISA’s Spotlight on digital capabilities conference provided two days tucked away in Media City, Salford, with excellent speakers and delegates, to talk about a topic very much top of my agenda at the moment. The event covered both staff and student capabilities, and the inter-relationships between the two, and attracted interested delegates from a wide …
This is a short blog post to recount my experience of running a workshop on the Change Agents’ Network at the sparqs national conference in Edinburgh on Friday 29 May in conjunction with Simon Walker (University of Greenwich) and Mark Kerrigan (Anglia Ruskin University). Interestingly, we heard that sparqs (student participation in quality Scotland) is …
I read with fascination a case study recently published in the Change Agents’ Network Journal of educational innovation, partnership and change entitled ‘Mission Employable’: Creating a student-led employability strategy for the Faculty of Humanities, University of Southampton. The case study exemplifies an effective faculty-based approach to students driving change in pursuit of enhancing student employability …
he EMA Requirements Map working group is looking at common workflows. Discussions about how many models of marking exist have been going on for a while (see earlier post How many models of marking are there?). The key remaining question seems to be whether moderation of multiple markers’ work as opposed to moderation of a […]
Peter Chatterton and I are working with colleagues at Jisc to update the Student partnership toolkit to reflect current practice in student partnership initiatives which involve technology. The toolkit has been developed by the Jisc Change Agents’ Network. As part of the review process we would like to hear from anyone who has used any …
Following the consultation with representatives from further and higher education in April on the potential for a digital student data collection and analysis service, Livework have produced 7 different concepts on how Jisc could develop a service for institutions to gather and analyse student data, based on the outputs and ideas generated by the consultation …
Our research and consultation with FE stakeholders identified a number of challenge areas around student’s digital experience (see below). We’re now looking for FE case study examples of how your college is addressing these challenges and want to hear from you! How to take part Taking part is easy and should only take around 30 …
Please go to the Webinar page to see the recording and presentations from today’s webinar.
The toolkit working group will be looking at the usefulness of tools & checklists over the next few weeks so here’s an example just to get us thinking. Comments welcome Checklist for institutional Self-Assessment Strategy and policy Is your institution’s approach to assessment and feedback articulated in institutional strategy and, if so, at what level […]
As part of the Jisc’s feedback hub feasibility project, I’ve started to look at systems that can present feedback in a holistic, programme wide way to learners and teachers. Having talked to the creators of a number of these hubs, there seem to be three broad types, which I’ll outline here. One of the outcomes […]