Following the progress update in February and the subsequent open call for tenders, I am delighted to announce that Lou McGill Consultancy has been appointed to undertake the development of the content for the Scaling up online learning Toolkit and that SkillSet Limited, working with Lou McGill, have been appointed to develop the diagnostic tool as …
Category: #suoll
As one of the potential solutions identified by the community to help enable institutions to expand their online course offerings, the Scaling up online learning project has been exploring the viability and usefulness of developing a directory of UK online courses. As a very first exploration of this, Michael Webb, Jisc’s Director of technology and analytics, has put …
Since the publication of the projects outline plans last month, the Scaling up Online Learning project is moving forward: two invitation to tenders (ITTs) are in the final stages of editing and are due to be released later this month/early next month. The first ITT relates to the scaling up online learning toolkit where we are …
As outlined in the projects last blog post, the best of the ideas that came out of the ideas board for the project were considered by the projects Working Group during a dedicated workshop session. The solutions that they considered and the outcomes for each of these are summarised in the table below: Idea Desira-bility Feasi-bility Commit-ment Outcome …
Last Thursday the Scaling up online learning working group got together to review and refine the ideas that were put forward by the community on the projects ideascale page. By the day of the workshop 22 ideas had been posted, obtaining 185 votes and 46 comments from 66 users. However, the amount of overlapping ideas that …
Yesterday I gave a short presentation about the project to a group of delegates at a Learning and Teaching Experts meeting that took place at Maple House in Birmingham (great venue with lots of tea/coffee and cake around all day). It was a really lively session and seemed to spark a lot of interest in those that attended it. …
Ideas voting update
The scaling up online learning ideascale board has been busy over the last week and it now has 12 ideas on it which have received a total of 98 votes and 30 comments from 45 users – currently the top two are ‘Institutional Toolkit on new ways of conducting business’ and ‘Distance Learning Recipe Book/Handbook’ with a net total …
Have your say!
There is now an ideascale page for the project ( where anyone can comment on and vote on the ideas that are emerging to address the pain points of scaling up online learning within institutions. We’ve got 9 ideas on there so far (when I last checked anyway), with the ideas ‘Institutional Toolkit on new ways of …
Following the fantastic response for our call for interest in becoming a member of the scaling up online working group, I’m pleased to say the membership of this has now been finalised and includes a broad range of representatives across the community (see the members list here). The group have already been contributing their ideas to the …