Despite the lunchtime slot, it was a solid turnout for the extended reality (XR) community meet up at Digifest, reflecting the growing interest and engagement in XR within the sector.
The post What can we learn from the ALT/ Jisc XR community at Digif…
Category: Student Experience
Chris hears from Miriam Firth about designing optionality into assessment in Higher Education. This is the second episode in a podcast series about Creative Approaches to Assessment
The post Podcast: Creative approaches to assessment – Episode 2 …
Building on our previous blog post, Tabetha Newman, our consultant researcher, has summarised some interesting reports and articles that have been published since our ISDX Phase 1 report was launched in April 2023. We hope you find these useful, and look forward to sharing the Phase 2 findings (where we collected feedback from international students) […]
The post International students: a round-up of recent reports and news appeared first on Jisc digital insights.
This is not a post about AI per se, it’s about my writing process. I was chatting to a colleague this week about the tool […]
In May Scott and Chris went to Queens University Belfast to deliver a series of worskshops exploring how we can support the students of the future effectively and what we need to consider when designing for the digital curriculum.
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Zac Gribble shares some early findings while piloting VLE reviews. What is the role of the VLE and does an institution value it, use it to its full potential and how does this impact on student experience?
The post VLEs – Value, Learning and Engagement? appeared first on Inspiring learning.
Last week, Chris along with Liz Austen and Richard Beggs delivered a workshop at Jisc’s annual Digifest on how digital storytelling can enhance the student experience. The resources are available here and he reflects on the good practice that was showcased and how it fits into the release of Jisc’s new online digital storytelling workshop.
The post Dragon hunting at #Digifest18 appeared first on Inspiring learning.
Scott provides an overview of Jisc resources showcased at the recent Connect More events to support digital capability. These resources complement the ‘Curriculum Confidence: Deigning Digital Capabilities in the Curriculum’ sessions at Connect More and are aimed at curriculum staff wishing to embed digital into programmes of study.
The post Designing for Digital Capabilities in the Curriculum appeared first on Inspiring learning.
Chris has recently been discussing the expectation of new students about the use of technology in learning. Do further and higher education institutions address the fact that many schools offer quite a sophisticated digital experience which is not always easy to match in post-compulsory education? Chris reflects on his own kids’ experiences and what they might have to teach us about developing a positive digital student experience.
The post Incoming! Student expectations of technology appeared first on Inspiring learning.
This post is Co-Authored with Dave Cormier The importance of storytelling in organisational change is sometimes overlooked, this post, and especially today, is written with Andrew Asher and Donna Lanclos in mind, who capture the stories in and around libraries to enhance the student experience. In 2016 the predictive and explanatory power of analytics have […]