As one of the potential solutions identified by the community to help enable institutions to expand their online course offerings, the Scaling up online learning project has been exploring the viability and usefulness of developing a directory of UK online courses. As a very first exploration of this, Michael Webb, Jisc’s Director of technology and analytics, has put …
Category: #scalinglearning
Since the publication of the projects outline plans last month, the Scaling up Online Learning project is moving forward: two invitation to tenders (ITTs) are in the final stages of editing and are due to be released later this month/early next month. The first ITT relates to the scaling up online learning toolkit where we are …
As outlined in the projects last blog post, the best of the ideas that came out of the ideas board for the project were considered by the projects Working Group during a dedicated workshop session. The solutions that they considered and the outcomes for each of these are summarised in the table below: Idea Desira-bility Feasi-bility Commit-ment Outcome …