We are pleased to publish the final report from our study into the expectations and experiences of online learners: What makes a successful online learner? You can catch up with the study team at ALT-C 2016, where we will be presenting some of our findings on Wednesday 8th September (10.25 in the Ensemble Room). A …
Category: Digital student
During summer 2016 we are looking for digital learners to tell us their stories. We want to showcase some of ‘journeys’ with technology that learners undertake, using blog posts, digital images, animations, digital voice or video – whatever suits them best (see some creative ideas we generated during our Online Learners success week). We know …
#OLsuccess: into the weekend
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in #OLsuccess this week, whether you have taken our ten-minute survey , contributed to our #olsuccess discussion forum or just been following us on twitter and storify. Because we know many online learners are fitting in their learning around busy working lives – and may be online …
#OLsuccess Day 5: round-up
Yesterday we asked about help and support for online learning. Who supports you when you are learning online? Is it mainly the tutors and other learners who are sharing the online environment, or is it people around you in the real world (at home or at work perhaps) offering more general support for what you …
Welcome to day 5 of #OLsuccess week Today we want to explore what helps you succeed as an online learner, looking at what kinds of support you need or what features of a course or learning experience help you most. Some questions we will be exploring include: What informal support do you have, i.e. people who help …
#OLsuccess day 4: round up
Today we asked people how they feel about different kinds of online learning. We wanted to ask this question to find out about some of the emotions experienced as online learners – both positive and negative. We had some great contributions to the discussion forum today with people identifying what they like: “researching topics for end of course …
One of the key findings of our review of research into online learning is the importance of how learners feel about engaging online. Our key question today is How do you feel about different kinds of online learning? Do you feel inspired, supported, frustrated, empowered, isolated…? Some questions we will be exploring include: How do …
#OLsuccess day 3: round-up
For today’s round-up I’m going to focus on the tips and strategies for success that online learners are sharing in our #OLsuccess twitter stream and forum posts. Top tips mainly concern motivation and organisation, though there is also advice on how to work productively with others, and a few bits of digital know-how. To stay …
Today we will be asking you to reflect on what makes you succeed online. We’ll be asking questions like these: What helps you stay organised when you are learning online? What helps you stay focused and engaged when you are learning online? What kind of activities, assignments & social features? What is the most important …
#OLsuccess day 2: round-up
Twitter traffic has continued to build today, and there has been a lot of activity around the #uogapt conference as well as our dedicated hashtag #OLsuccess. You can get the full picture from storify, as usual. Much of today’s discussion picked up themes and thoughts from yesterday (lesson one: online conversations can’t be coralled into …