Digital capability Digital student Scaling up online learning

MOOCs and more: teaching, learning and responding to student demand.

I was recently asked to speak at an event on MOOCs and technology-enhanced learning. I was part of a panel discussing what we can learn from MOOCs to apply to technology-enhanced learning, and how to support technology-enhanced learning more generally. This is something I could happily discuss for hours, so it was something of a […]

Digital student

How are you looking after your digital students?

Now that we’ve completed our consultation with HE stakeholders, it’s time to ask what you are doing to enhance the student digital experience. There are no prizes but we’ll make sure everyone gets a mention here on the digital student blog, and some will be selected for a full write-up and promotion by Jisc as …

Digital student

The power of the student voice

I was very fortunate to attend the recent QAA Quality Matters Conference in Birmingham. This is an annual conference which QAA run for student representatives and supports their engagement with the quality enhancement agenda and student engagement. Anthony McClaran in his introduction in the conference programme says, ‘It is vital that students have the right …

Digital student

FE Digital Student Project Kicks Off

Data collection for the FE Digital Student project kicked off in September. The desk study looking at published material relevant to understanding FE students’ expectations of their digital learning environment is now well underway. The team are looking at both openly available research and policy documents and internal documents that institutions have made available to …

Consultation Digital student

Where did they get that idea from?

Last month we published a report which investigated incoming students’ expectations of the digital environment and how these were formed or influenced by school. The report can be found here. At the time I blogged about the study and report on the main Jisc website and then later on my own site under the title “Disconnected …

Digital student

After ALT

More than 50 people attended our workshop at the ALT conference, following an equally healthy turnout for Dave’s paper on the expectations of incoming school students. We introduced some findings from the HE study and asked participants to respond to five postcards from the future, outlining how student expectations and needs might change. You can …

Digital student

ALT Conference is here!

There are two Digital Student related sessions happening at the ALT (Association for Learning Technology) conference in Warwick this week. On Tuesday at 11.35 in room 0.13 Dave White will be presenting outcomes of the schools report: Where did they get that idea from? Incoming expectations of the digital environment. Expect some provocative observations on …

Digital student

Digital Student videos here!

Back in june we did a session for the Jisc Learning and Teaching Experts’ meeting where we presented an update on the HE study outcomes and on the consultation process. We also asked members to help shape and prioritise our recommendations for institutions. Although things have moved on a bit in the consultation process since …

Digital student

FE & Skills study staff consultation events announced

We’re pleased to be able to announce dates and locations for FE staff consultation events for the Digital Student FE & Skills study. Please add the relevant date(s) to your diary. Jisc will open bookings for these events later in the year. 15 Jan 2015 Birmingham 20 Jan 2015 Manchester 25 Feb 2015 Bristol 04 …

Digital student

Expressions of interest in FE & Skills study now closed

Thank you to the many FE Colleges who registered expressions of interest in participating in the FE & Skills study. We had a terrific response and have closed the EOI form now. It’s great to see so much interest in contributing to developing policies and processes in the FE & Skills sector for supporting students …