We are looking for people with an institutional role in supporting and developing ‘digital’ learners, which might mean working in learning development, information literacy, e-learning, ICT support, personal development planning, career planning, developing ‘literacies of the digital’, institutional strategic planning, and developing a 21st century curriculum in your subject area.
We would like to invite you to pilot a set of materials for institutional and curriculum development in the area of supporting digital learners. Materials will draw on outcomes of the JISC ‘Learners’ Experiences of e-Learning‘ programme and the ‘Learning Literacies for a Digital Age’ project, as well as a new set of case studies current under development (see below). You will be helping us to refine and contextualise the resources before public release, but we hope they will be of value to you in their pilot form.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Helen Beetham (helen.beetham@googlemail.com) with your name, role, email address and institution. A brief idea of why you are interested would be helpful but is not necessary.
We are also looking for institutions that can demonstrate good practice in one of the following areas:
1. digital literacy as part of a widening participation or employability agendas;
2. use of e-portfolios to develop learners across the institution; or
3. using learners to support the development of digital literacies in other learners (such as through a student mentoring scheme).
Chosen institutions will be supported by the JISC funded SLiDA project team to develop a case study that showcases their work and analyses their experience for the benefit of others. The case studies will be made available from the e-Learning Programme pages on the JISC website and may also be showcased in JISC e-Learning publications.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Rhona Sharpe (rsharpe@brookes.ac.uk) stating your role, institution, the area in which you can demonstrate good practice, and a few lines about what you are doing to support students.
The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday 7th May.