Announcing CAN 2024 hosted by the University of Portsmouth

The future of student engagement and student-staff partnerships to enhance higher education

University of Portsmouth, 20th, 22nd & 23rd May 2024

The University of Portsmouth are proud to be working with Jisc to host the 11th Change Agents’ Network (CAN) Conference in May 2024. This conference will draw together students, students’ unions, professional services, academics and university leaders to address the continued need to innovate higher education with students. This year’s conference theme is ‘The future of student engagement and student-staff partnerships to enhance higher education’ where we welcome contributions from students and staff new and returning to CAN along the conference sub-themes below:

Conference Sub-Themes:
• Supporting and adjusting provision for a diversity of students and programmes
• Facilitating active blended learning in the digital university
• Creating meaningful and supportive experiences for international students
• Enabling students to gain employability skills for the modern world
• Engaging in co-creation to support student outcomes

Save the date!
The conference will be following prior years’ practice to offer both online and in-person opportunities to share practice and network. In addition, the University of Portsmouth enABLe team will be offering a bonus curriculum design workshop in person the day before in the in-person day free of charge.

• 20th May 2024: Conference Day 1 (Online)
• 22nd May 2024: Bonus enABLe Workshop (In Person at Portsmouth)
• 23rd May 2024: Conference Day 2 (In Person at Portsmouth)

Key dates:
In the weeks ahead, we will be opening the Call for Submissions based on the above themes for workshops, papers and posters. Please keep an eye out for updates by signing up to the CAN mailing list here. Our draft timeframe is highlighted below:

• 4th December 2023: Call for Papers opens
• 2nd February 2024: Deadline and close of Call for Papers
• 19th March 2024: Registrations Open

Event Page:
For the conference, we will be using this site on the Learning and Teaching Innovation website as the platform for the call for papers, registration and programme in the months ahead.

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