#codesign16 Consultation Curriculum Design Get involved Technology Enhanced Learning

Co-design challenge: How can we use data to improve teaching and learning?

Welcome to the summary of the #codesign16 discussion on data-driven improvements in teaching and learning.

We will be using this blog to collate feedback and post summaries of the discussions happening in various forums during the consultation phase. So please come here to see how the discussion develops and add your views. Comment below, or post on your own blog and share it with us.

You can also join the discussion by:

We will run a webinar as part of ALT online conference Wednesday 7th Dec  14:00-14:45 to discuss the key themes emerging from discussion.

So what do you think?

Whether this area tickles your fancy or raises your hackles, we’d like to hear from you. Have a look at the full text of the challenge and share your thoughts, ideas and frustrations before 25 November

2 replies on “Co-design challenge: How can we use data to improve teaching and learning?”

A good use of data is in what I call ‘Coaching for Success’, but to do that to effect you need a robust tutorial system, which seems to be lacking within HE these days. Data is captured from assessements and other performance indicators continuously – best done using an online gradebook (most VLEs have one!) – and are used to address individual performance at regular meetings one-on-one between the student and tutor. Target-setting is important, breaking things down to give the student manageable and obtainable things to accomplish – using SMART (Specific, Motivational, Attainable, Relevant, Time-limited) target methodology – which helps the student feel good about their studies.

If your data was able to track the progress of disabled learners through assignments, assessments and resources (eg ebooks, VLEs etc) across the different teaching modules it would be relatively straightforward to identify where inclusive practices existed and where barriers remained. This could be transformative for inclusive educational practice and would help focus staff development activities to improve practice and reduce risks of breaching equality legislation.

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