Course Data

#coursedata demonstrated

Yesterday saw the final face to face programme meeting for the Jisc #coursedata projects. The programme is supporting 63 institutions to review and revise their coursedata processes and as one of the outputs produce an xcri-cap feed.
I’ve talked a bit about the feed acceptance criteria in an earlier post  but didn’t really expand on why you’d want to produce an xcri-cap feed.. or what xcri-cap is. Over the next few days I’m going to blog about the progress our ‘demonstrator’ projects  have made in creating compelling examples of feed use.

xcri-cap stands for eXchanging Course Related Information Course Advertising Profile,  and is a specification that provides a standard way of describing courses. The benefit of having a standardised approach is that folk interested in gathering information about courses can do this much more easily.

At the event we ran a hour session where our demonstrator projects each had 2 slides and 5 minutes to outline their projects.

Google Presentation from #coursedata ‘show and tell’ event

Richard Entwhistle of Ingenius Solutions presents one of his xcri-cap demonstrator projects

By robwork

Programme manager with JISC eLearning team, working on Technology and Standards

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