Case Studies Intervention Learning Analytics Service Staff Dashboard

Notes and presentations from the 11th Jisc Learning Analytics Network event at Aston University

Aston University kindly hosted our latest learning analytics network event last week in central Birmingham. This one involved fewer presentations and more group work, which seemed to work well. The workshop part was focussed on developing strategies for carrying out interventions. Paul Bailey updated the group first of all on how the Jisc effective learning …

Case Studies Learning design

Notes and presentations from the 10th Jisc Learning Analytics Network event at Strathclyde University

Glasgow, a great city even when it’s raining, was bathed in sunshine this week for our tenth network meeting, held at the University of Strathclyde. It was good to see how the learning analytics community has grown since we started having these events – there were 80 attendees at this one from institutions all over the …

co-design Legal Issues Policy

Second pathfinder meeting: addressing common institutional challenges

At our recent pathfinder meeting, a number of institutions involved in implementing Jisc’s learning analytics architecture came together to work on issues of common concern. This followed a get together in Bristol last December where we looked at institutional culture, ethical & legal issues and data. Participants from the different universities present discussed a different range …


Exploring issues around data for Jisc’s learning analytics architecture

Warning: this is a fairly geeky post. I’ve attempted to make it understandable but feel free to stop reading now if you’re not interested in the technical details of the data behind learning analytics. It is, however, really important work – a key building block for the useful analytics on students and their learning that …

Code of Practice ethics Legal Issues Policy

Institutions working together to address learning analytics deployment issues

Last Friday, representatives from a number of early adopter universities came together at Jisc’s Bristol offices to work on some of the areas that need to be tackled in their institutional learning analytics projects. Jisc’s Director of Data and Analytics, Michael Webb, demonstrated a new Data Explorer tool which provides useful visualisations, enabling institutions to …

A Technical Look into Learning Analytics Data and Visualisations

It’s past time I wrote something about how we’re getting along with our technical Learning Analytics system! I’m Jisc’s technical analytics innovator, and so far on the project I’ve been working on a few bits of the technological ‘glue’ which helps the various components of our learning analytics system interact. We’ve previously blogged a little …