Thursday, 21 May sees the pilot programme of a new JISC live internet radio programme, the e-Learning Show. The programme will be broadcast from 1800 – 1855 UK summer time and is based on issues raised at the recent JISC Lifelong Learning Symposium. A report on the symposium is now available. Issues discussed will include […]
The revolution continues apace – following the launch of the circular and related guidance in December, alongside the ongoing commentary in twitter and on blogs and the programme briefing day in January there is now a great deal of resources and guidance available for those currently writing to the 4th March deadline. This is a […]
This JISC funded report, and collection of 26 case studies, which examined the effective use of social software in the UK further and higher education sectors in enhancing student learning and engagement is now available for download at This very readable report provides insights about the: * educational goals of using social software tools; […]
The final report on timetabling and resource scheduling undertaken by Oakleigh Consulting Ltd is now available. A full copy of the report can be downloaded from The study was commissioned to produce scenarios and process models describing timetabling and resource scheduling processes, looking at where these interacted with other administrative process in an institution. […]
The final report on Identity management for lifelong learning in UK higher and further education undertaken by Oakleigh Consulting Ltd is now available. A full copy of the report can be downloaded from The study was intended to describe current practices, envision future processes in identity management and explore identity management issues within the […]
The JISC e-Learning team welcomes you to this blog which provides you with news from the programme and offers you opportunities of finding out more about the work we are doing.