Electronic management of assessment

End-user perspectives on the challenges

As part of the next phase of the project we’ll be exploring the prioritised challenges identified through a series of visualisations and key statements. We would like to ask for your help in bringing these challenges to life, and would like you to share anecdotes, experiences and stories from your and your users’ perspectives. You […]

Electronic management of assessment

Creating user personas

One way you can really get involved is in helping us create a rich understanding of the typical users of EMA, by that we mean students, academic staff and administrative staff (but there might be other users you know about). These personas will help us in the idea generation stage where we imagine solutions to […]

Assessment and feedback Events

Assessment and Feedback webinars

We are continuing to disseminate and discuss the work of the Assessment and Feedback programme and related projects through a series of webinars. The webinars are free and open to all and will be hosted in Blackboard Collaborate. Go to for further information on the sessions and to register. You might want to bookmark/get […]

Assessment and feedback

Assessment and feedback tool development lessons

Wilbert Kraan from Jisc CETIS reflects on common findings which have emerged from Strand C of the Assessment and Feedback programme. These have been the more ‘techy’ projects in the programme as they’ve taken open source tools and adapted them for use beyond the organisations they were originally developed in. Read more….

Assessment and feedback

Assessment and feedback: developing a vision for technology-enhanced practices and processes

Birmingham was a hive of activity last week as the Assessment and Feedback programme came together to work towards the development of a shared vision around this theme. It had been a year since all the projects met face-to-face so the aim was to provide opportunities for networking and sharing project outputs and outcomes as […]

Assessment and feedback

Assessment and feedback: Where are we now?

One year on for projects in the JISC Assessment and Feedback programme Five projects from the JISC Assessment and Feedback programme took part in the 2012 International Blended Learning Conference at the University of Hertfordshire on 13-14 June, when representatives from Collaborate (University of Exeter), iTEAM and EEVS (University of Hertfordshire), FASTECH (Bath Spa University […]

Assessment and feedback

A view of the assessment and feedback landscape

The Assessment and Feedback programme has recently published a report which synthesises the baseline reviews of 8 institutional change projects. The purpose of the baseline process was to gain a picture of the current state-of-play of assessment and feedback processes and practices within these organisations and to provide a starting point against which to evaluate […]

Assessment and feedback Publications and resources

Transforming assessment and feedback resources

This week sees the launch of a set of new pages in the JISC Design Studio around Transforming Assessment and Feedback. These now form a hub for existing and emergent work in this area where, under a series of themes, you can explore what we currently know about enhancing assessment and feedback practice with technology, […]

Assessment and feedback

Assessment and Feedback – new JISC programme underway

The JISC Assessment and Feedback programme was launched in October and projects are now well underway. The programme is focused on supporting large-scale changes in assessment and feedback practice, supported by technology, with the aim of enhancing the learning and teaching process and delivering efficiencies and quality improvements. There are three programme strands with projects […]