Innovating e-Learning 2010
Bringing Innovation to Life: from adversity comes opportunity
23rd – 26th November 2010
The theme of the 2010 Innovating e-Learning conference reflects the challenges presented by the current climate of economic constraint and will explore how technology-enhanced learning can help universities and colleges to develop forward-looking educational futures and continue to complete globally.
The programme:
Innovating e-Learning 2010 offers a variety of sessions under the themes of Releasing the Potential and Realising the Value. Visit the conference website for the full list of presenters, including sessions from:
• Keri Facer, Professor of Education at Manchester Metropolitan University and Director of the CREATE centre:
Learning to live in interesting times – what are educational institutions for?
• David Boud, Professor of Adult Education, University of Technology, Sydney:
Effective assessment and feedback for a digital age.
• Aaron Porter, President of the National Union of Students and Usman Ali, Vice President of National Union of Students (HE):
What do students really want?
• Anne Miller, inventor, author and co-founder of The Technology Partnership:
How to get your innovations adopted (and change the world)
• Graham Brown-Martin, founder and managing director of Learning without Frontiers:
Is the future mobile?
• Elliott Masie, internationally recognised futurist, analyst and researcher on workforce learning, business collaboration and emerging technologies and Head of MASIE Centre:
Shaping our learning futures.
The experience
Each theme will run over 2 days and you will be able to see presenters on webcam and try out new technologies and different ideas in the Have-a-go area which showcases JISC projects and services. The informative and entertaining conference blog will once again be provided by James Clay, from Gloucestershire College. Representatives of the JISC Regional Support Centres will offer guided tours of virtual worlds and the Virtual Coffee Shop will be open all hours, providing a sense of support and community. You can follow delegates at the conference on Twitter using the tag #jiscel10.
The conference takes place in an asynchronous virtual environment which can be accessed wherever and whenever is convenient to you. The 2010 conference includes real-time sessions in Elluminate® a tool that facilitates participation and interactive online collaboration. Participating in this online conference is excellent value for money providing additional features not offered by face-to-face conferences, saving time and travel and helping you to reduce your carbon footprint. Further information from
Booking now open:
Delegate fee: £50
We hope you can join us online.