Outcomes from the JISC Transforming Curriculum Delivery through Technology Programme provide a valuable insight into the ways in which institutions and individual curriculum areas in further and higher education can make use of technology to respond more robustly to the demands of a fast-changing world.
Now that the programme of 15 projects has completed, a short guide from JISC, Transforming curriculum delivery through technology: Stories of challenge, benefit and change, summarises the tangible benefits identified by the programme’s evidenced-based research into technology-enhanced curriculum delivery.
The scope of the programme has been wide ranging. In each case the universities and colleges participating in the programme identified challenges in their particular context that technology enhancement might help to overcome.Thus project aims varied from investigating ways of using familiar technologies to improve institutional services to developing new software to help learners map a complex curriculum. In other cases, projects focused on remodelling whole courses by means of technology, significantly changing the way learners experience and respond to the curriculum.
Taking a broad view of the programme’s outcomes, Transforming curriculum delivery through technology: Stories of challenge, benefit and change highlights three types of benefit that have emerged: efficiency gains linked to quality improvement, learning and teaching enhancements and whole curriculum transformation. The publication also provides a valuable insight into the strategies and processes developed by the project teams as they managed their progress under the mentorship of a team of critical friends and embedded the transformations achieved as a result of their work.
Outcomes from the Transforming Curriculum Delivery through Technology Programme are widely applicable. This short guide to the headline findings of the programme not only showcases the work of the projects but may also help to make curriculum delivery in your context more efficient and effective.
‘The projects have demonstrated real and sustained change within their institutions, much of which is transferable to other contexts. ’ Lisa Gray, JISC e-Learning Programme Manager
Transforming curriculum delivery through technology will be of interest to curriculum managers, teaching practitioners and support staff across further and higher education.
Accompanying the guide, as part of a series of radio shows entitled JISC On Air, the latest show entitled ‘Efficiences , ehancements and transformation: how technology can deliver’ includes interviews with two projects involved in the programme, highlighting the impact achieved in two very different contexts and disciplines.
Further information about the progarmme and projects, including access to all programme-related resources, can be found online at the Design Studio.
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