accessibility AI Bullshit Being A Human Culture ethics Generative AI Bullshit TechDis

Push the Narrative Back!

“Why won’t you let us innovate?!” “You are holding us back!” “If we have to do the things you say, we won’t be able to […]

Cambridge Culture federated Mastodon military Scholar.Social Scholarship


Some Background Yesterday was remembrance Sunday in the UK, as always it falls nearest the the 11th of November. I am sure people know, but […]

AI AI Bullshit AIngry ChatGPT Culture ethics Marketing Procurement Students

That thing you just said about your AI? Yeah, I have questions.

I / we have written about AI. We have asked about disclaimers and acknowledgements in response to people saying things like “We might feel that […]

accessibility Culture Digital capability Inclusion learning technologies

If you set a minimum standard…

… that’s what they’ll strive for.  I was recently asked how I would change something to make the accessibility elements more in line with inclusive principles. […]

Academic Misconduct AI cheating Culture

Means. Motive, Opportunity: A Composite Narrative about Academic Misconduct

Reposted my original post from the National Centre for AI  I would like to thank the late Andrew Cormack for his support in approaching the […]

AI ChatGPT Culture Digital capability Digital practice generative AI Student Experience Writing

(Not) Writing with an AI

This is not a post about AI per se, it’s about my writing process. I was chatting to a colleague this week about the tool […]

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis Behaviours climate change Climate Crisis Culture Difgital Leadership EdTech Neoliberal

Consumerism – Neoliberal Education – Climate Change

I spent some time over Christmas reflecting on digital education and the post I wrote about digital capabilities and climate back in July, mostly because […]

carbon footprint climate change Culture Digital capability sustainability

Accounting for the climate in digital capability: initial thinking

Right now in the UK we are focused on climate change.  Why? Because we just broke previous temperature records – we hit 40°C– for colleagues […]

Culture digital culture hidden labour hybrid hyflex Learning design learning technologies Technology Enhanced Learning TEL zomm and room zoom

Zoom and Room: hidden labour

We need to recognise the labour involved in these emerging practices; existing teams are great at making things happen, making it feel possible, and making it as simple as they can for those of us who are experiencing it as users. But if the practices are to be embedded and widespread, that extra labour needs to be recognized and accounted for. People often can’t just turn up and flip a switch.  And those who are told it’s just that easy are being sold something. In some institutions I am seeing a lot of recruitment in learning design and technology enhanced learning roles, in some I am seeing restructures with no overall increase in numbers, and of course some are either not changing or even reducing their numbers. 

Culture Edtech unicorn Unicorn vendors vendors (but said in an evil Sithlord way)

Chasing Unicorns: how the EdTech Unicorn Pin came to be

Three of us sat together at “yet another edtech conference” we were probably listening to a wild-eyed techno-solutionist deliver an “ode to the new LMS”, […]